Malian Refugees in Niger participate in presidential elections

Tabareybarey, Niger July 28 - In Niger, Malian elections took place in a quiet and peaceful environment, but left refugees with mixed feelings. 4 polling stations in each camp, 4 in Ayorou and 24 in Niamey all equipped and staffed with polling boards were ready this morning to receive the voters. Since the opening of the voting at 9 in the morning, refugees have started to arrive at the stations and started to look for their name in the electoral lists posted on the walls. 

In Ayorou city 5 km from Tabareybarey refugee camp, 50-year old refugee Youcha Oufelane, was searching the names of his relatives in all 4 polling stations located in the school.

I was able to vote myself this morning in the camp, but the rest of my family could not as their names did not appear in the lists. I’ve come to Ayorou to see whether by chance I could find them registered here but cannot find them.” He did not conceal his bitterness. “As head of household, I wished I could bring more votes to my candidate, instead of seven potential votes my family could have brought together, only my vote will count”, he said disappointed.

In Tabareybarey camp, 45-year old Aminata Immalit, refugee from Ansongo was not able to vote either.

 "These elections bring hope for us Malian refugees because we have lost so much and a new elected President could help alleviate our suffering“, she said along other refugees showing their NINA cards, in vain.

On the other hand, some refugees found their names on the list but did not receive their NINA cards on time.

In Niger, 4161 refugees had expressed their wish to participate in the elections and had been enrolled by the Malian embassy. Around 900 refugees were identified in the RAVEC registry and reported on the electoral list, and about a third of them voted today. In the region of Tillaberi, there were 65 refugee voters in Tabareybarey camp, 12 in Ayorou city, 71 in Mangaize, and 175 in Abala. In the region of Tahoua, on the contrary, no refugee could vote as no cards reached Intikan and Tazalit refugee hosting areas. 
Photos © UNHCR/ C.Arnaud / 28 July