الاستجابة الإقليميّة للاجئين السوريين
البوابة الإلكترونية للمعلومات بين الوكالات
البوابة الإلكترونية للمعلومات بين الوكالات

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35,200 Individuals
إجمالي الأشخاص المعنيين
Base Layer


هذه الخريطة لا تعني إقرارا أو قبولا رسميا من قبل الأمم المتحدة

إجمالي الأشخاص المعنيين


آخر تحديث 30 Sep 2017

Source - UNHCR

اللاجئون السوريون المسجلون




آخر تحديث 30 Sep 2017

Source - UNHCR

علم السكان
ذكر (51.4%) عمر (48.6%) أنثى
5.6% 0 - 4 5.3%
10% 5 - 11 9.5%
6.6% 12 - 17 5.8%
26.7% 18 - 59 25.6%
2.5% 60 + 2.4%

  مجموع الأشخاص الذين تعنى حسب التاريخ

  مجموعات العمل

   آخر الوثائق

  متطلبات التمويل

إجمالي النداء $129,664,428
المبلغ المستلم حتى الآن $42,722,623
المبلغ المتبقي $86,941,805
نسبة المبلغ المغطى 33%
آخر تحديث 13 Oct 2017

  أبرز العناوين

A one-day consultation workshop on ‘Adolescent and Youth Programming in a Humanitarian Context’ within the framework of the Regional Refugee and Resilience Plan (3RP) took place today in Cairo on 18 October. The workshop, organized jointly by UNHCR and UNICEF provided an opportunity to improve the knowledge and understanding of the extent to which the current 3RP responses serve youth and adolescents in key sectors and build the capacity of partners.
25 Oct 2017
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the German Embassy DAAD and Catholic Relief Services (CRS) celebrated on Tuesday 17 October, the commemoration of the 25th Anniversary of the Albert Einstein German Academic Refugee Initiative, known as DAFI.
25 Oct 2017
In an effort to invest in the capacities of young refugee and asylum-seekers’ IT talents and entrepreneurs living in Egypt, UNHCR supported the participation of 22 refugees and asylum-seekers in the Techne Summit hosted at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina (30 Sep – 1 Oct). The selected refugees were mainly IT professionals, marketers, computer science graduates, computer engineers and entrepreneurs of both genders with an average age of 26. Participants represented different nationalities, including Syrians, South Sudanese, Sudanese, Yemenis and Iraqis.
25 Oct 2017
On the 20th June , a World Refugee Day Iftar was held at Fard Foundation in collaboration with UNHCR Egypt for refugee families living in Egypt. Children and parents commemorated World Refugee Day by experiencing a range of activities, including visiting a tent presenting different cultural corners allowing guests the chance to explore and to learn more about each other's culture
30 Jun 2017
On the eve of World Refugee Day 2017, UNHCR Egypt hosted a major film event at the Zamalek Cinema, under the theme "Refugee Voices in Film. Guests showedtheir support to the refugee cause by signing the #WithRefugees and sharing messages about #RefugeeDay on social media. UNHCR Egypt was supported by Arab Cinema Center
30 Jun 2017