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Situation Mali
Dû aux violences, hostilités, et violations des droits de l’homme ainsi qu’à une détérioration de la sécurité dans le nord du Mali depuis janvier 2012, un grand nombre de maliens ont cherché refuge au Burkina Faso, en Mauritanie et au Niger, tandis que d’autres ont été déplacés au sein de leur pays.
Situation Nigeria
Le conflit avec Boko Haram dans le nord-est du Nigéria s’est propagé dans la région du Bassin du Lac Tchad, où les réfugiés nigérians sont accueillis depuis 2014. Ce conflit a causé un déplacement forcé de masse et une urgence humanitaire sans précédent au Cameroun, au Chad et au Niger.
Côte d'Ivoire Portail de partage de l'Information
Today, there are 25,000 Ivorian refugees hosted in Ghana, Guinea, Liberia and Togo. Since 2011, UNHCR has facilitated the voluntary return in safety and dignity of over 65,000 Ivorian refugees and and continues to do so.
Humanitarian actors involved in the response to the outflow of civilians from Yemen due to the current conflict are committed to providing life-saving assistance and protection to those fleeing Yemen, pending durable solutions.
Burundi Situation
The civil unrest in Burundi has led to an outflow of over 210,000 refugees (as of 31 October 2015) to neighbouring countries of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Rwanda, Tanzania, and as far away as Uganda and Zambia. It started in Bujumbura in April 2015, with a peak in June, ahead of the contested Presidential election that took place on 21 July 2015. Since then, a tense political crisis and a climate of fear and intimidation have spread throughout the country.
Situation RDC
The DRC hosts more than 400,000 refugees (UNHCR/DRC, August 2016), who are mainly from the Central Africa Republic (CAR), Burundi and Rwanda, as well as former Angolan refugees
Thailand-Myanmar Cross Border Portal
The Information Management Common Service Portal is open to all humanitarian organizations as a way to help disseminate information that will assist refugees - in the nine Temporary Shelters located along Thailand’s border with Myanmar - in reaching freely informed decisions concerning their future lives, including the possibility of a voluntary return home
Iraq CCCM Overview
Le conflit arme en cours en Irak a entraine le deplacement de plus de 3 million de personnes qui ont fuit leur maison et on cherche refuge dans d'autres zones d'Irak. Les populations deplacees internes (PDIs) vivent actuellement dans plus de 2000 sites temporaires, mais egalement dans des logements autres que des camps (chez l'habitant, logement slocatifs) partout en Irak.
Crise de Réfugiés au Mozambique
Following the 2015 election dispute in Mozambique, new influx of asylum seekers and Zimbabwean nationals flee Mozambique to neighbouring countries to seek protection
Apatridie en Afrique de l'Ouest
According to UNHCR estimates, statelessness affects up to 10 million people worldwide, over 1 million of which are in West Africa. There are many factors contributing to the risk of statelessness in the region, which suggest that the population at risk is very large.
Tension in Venezuela is on the rise again as the opposition and the government accuse each other of trying to stage a coup.