Title | Prisoners of war in Iran and Iraq : the report of a mission dispatched by the Secretary-General, January 1985 |
Publisher | UN Security Council |
Publication Date | 22 February 1985 |
Country | Islamic Republic of Iran | Iraq |
Topics | International humanitarian law (IHL) / Geneva Conventions | Prisoners of war | Protection of civilian persons in time of war |
Citation / Document Symbol | S/16962 |
Other Languages / Attachments | Arabic | Chinese | French | Russian | Spanish |
Cite as | UN Security Council, Prisoners of war in Iran and Iraq : the report of a mission dispatched by the Secretary-General, January 1985, 22 February 1985, S/16962, available at: https://www.refworld.org/docid/4a54bbfe10.html [accessed 5 November 2019] |