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How your Namjai and long term donation can help refugees?



How your Namjai and long term donation can help refugees?

100% of your donation is used to benefit refugees living in Thailand.

Your ongoing donation can help UNHCR to provide the following:



Projects for Refugee Children

"Almost half of the refugees in Thailand are children. Many spend their entire childhood without knowing the outside world. Most of them have witnessed or experienced violent acts and have often been separated from their families.

“I don’t have parents any more. My mom was not well and passed away since I was small. My dad was shot dead by an armed person at a farm,” said Ta Lah Say, a refugee child in Thailand."

"Children like Ta Lah Say are at a greater risk of disease, neglect, violence, and exploitation. Without the support from adults, their psychological and social wellbeing are under threat. In the chaos of conflict and displacement, refugee children can find themselves lost, alone and vulnerable. Here are some examples of how your ongoing donations can help:"

Since 2013, UNHCR has helped more than 11,000 children to receive birth registration and ensured that more than 4,500 children without parents can live in safety, security and protection from exploitation.

  • Birth Registration: UNHCR supports the Royal Thai Government to register all children who were born in camps to ensure that they have a nationality and can access basic rights such as enrolling in school.
  • Protect children without parents: UNHCR supports social workers, psychologist and protection staff to monitor the well-being of children without parents in camps and to help them recover from trauma.


Projects for Refugee Women, especially single mothers and women at risk


Wars and conflicts have shattered the lives of millions of families. Many refugee women in Thailand have lost their loved ones, leaving them traumatized and at risk. Women displaced by war and conflicts require support today, tomorrow and for the foreseeable future. That is why your regular support through a monthly donation is so vital, ensuring that vulnerable people such as women in refugee camps in Thailand, receive help for as long as they need it.

Here are some examples of what your monthly donations could help to provide: 


  • Provide psychological supportto empower and protect them against physical and psychological violence.
  • Support Mental Health programmeto help refugee women recover from emotional and psychological trauma.
  • Provide sanitary kitsfor more than 40,000 women and girls of reproductive age in nine camps. These kits contain sanitary towels, soap and underwear and help to stop the risk of disease and illness through unsanitary conditions. They also help women and girls to feel more confident in going about their daily lives and help improve attendance rates at schools and health clinics.
  • Provide vocational trainingto single mothers such as farming and agricultural training. This helps enable them to provide food for their families and empowers them to be able to take care of themselves and their children. 


Project for Refugees People with Disabilities and Landmines Survivors


The most common causes of disabilities are landmines, malnutrition, burns and injuries related to armed conflicts, torture and other severe trauma. This can leave them not only physically disabled, but emotionally traumatised, sometimes to the extent that they are also mentally disabled by their experiences.

Here are some examples of what your monthly donations could help to provide:

  • UNHCR supports physical rehabilitation and environmental improvement programmes to help people with disabilities gain physical strength and access basic services suitable for them, such as improved walkways and latrines.
  • UNHCR’s self-reliance projects provide training for people with disabilities to gain livelihoods skills such as agriculture, mechanics and to organise self-help groups.
  • Special classroom projects help children with disabilities to gain physical strength and cognitive skills.
  • Artificial arms and legs helps people with disabilities to regain hope and enable them to have a safe and practical life.

UNHCR has helped more than 700 refugees with disabilities by providing them with orthosis and prosthesis, a physiotherapy room, medical equipment for physical rehabilitation in camps and vocational skill training to develop self- reliance.



Projects for Elderly People

Older people can be particularly vulnerable during conflicts. Lack of mobility, weakened vision and chronic illnesses such as arthritis or rheumatism can make access to support difficult and aid services often do not take these issues into consideration. Many of them suffer from traumatic personal experiences of war and loss. Once displaced, older people suffer great upheaval and often become both socially isolated and physically separated from their families, increasing their vulnerability.

Here are some examples of what your monthly donations could help to provide:

  • Family reunification and resettlement: UNHCR works to reunite elderly refugees with their family members through resettlement programmes and finding family members in camps.
  • Agricultural projects pay special attention to the elderly to help them become self-reliance again.

So far, UNHCR has reunited more than 1,000 refugee families by searching for family members and bringing them together in a country of resettlement or in camps. Since 2005, UNHCR has helped more than 10,000 refugees to resettle in countries like USA, Canada and Great Britain.


Projects for all refugees

  • Resettlement - UNHCR helps to permanently resettle refugees who cannot return home to a third country. With continuous support from donors since 2005, over 90,000 refugees have been resettled to 13 countries.
  • Mental health treatment programmes to help refugees recover from serious psychological trauma or stress from past and current situations.
  • Legal assistance counselling and legal assistance centres to provide counsel, protection and education on their rights within Thai legal justice system.



"Apart from a small annual contribution from the United Nations regular budget, UNHCR’s programmes are entirely funded by voluntary contributions from governments and private donors. Having regular and long-term financial support is vital to the continuation of UNHCR's operation to protect the most vulnerable such as children, women, people with disabilities and the elderly. Where your money goes Our success