Refugees in Angola

The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations

All Refugees JSON 
Last updated 22 Sep 2017
Source - UNHCR, Government 
Biometrically registered refugees in Dundo area JSON 
Last updated 22 Sep 2017
Source - UNHCR 
All Refugees by Origin JSON  .CSV 
Country of origin Source Data date Population
Dem. Rep. of the Congo UNHCR, Government 22 Sep 2017
Autres UNHCR, Government 31 Dec 2015
Côte d'Ivoire UNHCR, Government 31 Dec 2015
Sierra Leone UNHCR, Government 31 Dec 2015
Sudan UNHCR, Government 31 Dec 2015
Mauritania UNHCR, Government 31 Dec 2015
Rwanda UNHCR, Government 31 Dec 2015

  Latest Documents
  • Télécharger

    Protection Working Group meeting minutes - 22 September

    Protection Working Group meeting minutes - 22 September
    Date de publication: 29 September 2017 (il y a 3 jours)
    Créé: 29 September 2017 (il y a 3 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Minutas da reunião do Grupo de trabalho de Proteção - 22 Setembro

    Minutas da reunião do Grupo de trabalho de Proteção - 22 Setembro
    Date de publication: 29 September 2017 (il y a 3 jours)
    Créé: 29 September 2017 (il y a 3 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Inter-Agency Operational Update #16

    Update on the refugee response in Lunda Norte, Angola, between 13 - 19 September 2017
    Date de publication: 28 September 2017 (il y a 4 jours)
    Créé: 29 September 2017 (il y a 2 jours)
  • Télécharger

    3Ws Lunda Norte, Angola - September

    3Ws Lunda Norte - Who is doing What and Where
    Date de publication: 27 September 2017 (il y a 5 jours)
    Créé: 27 September 2017 (il y a 4 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Protection weekly report 11 - 16 September / Protecção relatório semanal 11 - 16 Setembro

    Protection weekly report 11 - 16 September / Protecção relatório semanal 11 - 16 Setembro
    Date de publication: 23 September 2017 (il y a 9 jours)
    Créé: 23 September 2017 (il y a 9 jours)
  • Télécharger

    3Ws Lunda Norte, Angola - September

    3Ws Lunda Norte - Who is doing What and Where
    Date de publication: 27 September 2017 (il y a 5 jours)
    Créé: 27 September 2017 (il y a 4 jours)
  • Télécharger

    3Ws Lunda Norte, Angola - August

    3Ws Lunda Norte - Who is doing What and Where
    Date de publication: 1 September 2017 (il y a 1 mois)
    Créé: 2 September 2017 (il y a 1 mois)
  • Télécharger

    Lovua - Mapping of Persons with Specific Needs as of 14 September

    Lovua - Mapping of Persons with Specific Needs as of 14 September
    Date de publication: 23 September 2017 (il y a 9 jours)
    Créé: 23 September 2017 (il y a 9 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Angola Emergency

    Angola Emergency Map - 22 August 2017
    Date de publication: 22 August 2017 (il y a 1 mois)
    Créé: 26 August 2017 (il y a 1 mois)
  • Télécharger

    Angola Emergency

    Outflow of Congolese refugees from the Kasai region
    Date de publication: 19 May 2017 (il y a 4 mois)
    Créé: 19 May 2017 (il y a 4 mois)
  • Télécharger

    Angola Emergency

    Outflow of Congolese refugees from the Kasai region
    Date de publication: 8 May 2017 (il y a 4 mois)
    Créé: 12 May 2017 (il y a 4 mois)
  • Télécharger

    Africa - UNHCR Presence

    UNHCR Presence map
    Date de publication: 3 May 2016 (il y a 1 an)
    Créé: 23 August 2016 (il y a 1 an)
  • Télécharger

    Focus Group Discussion Report: Relocation of Congolese refugees in Lunda Norte, Angola

    The report summarizes key findings of the focus group discussions conducted with refugees from the Democratic Republic of Congo in Lunda Norte, Angola, on their relocation from temporary reception cen...
    Date de publication: 22 July 2017 (il y a 2 mois)
    Créé: 22 July 2017 (il y a 2 mois)
  • Télécharger

    Lovua - Mapping of Persons with Specific Needs as of 14 September

    Lovua - Mapping of Persons with Specific Needs as of 14 September
    Date de publication: 23 September 2017 (il y a 9 jours)
    Créé: 23 September 2017 (il y a 9 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Lovua Settlement - Factsheet

    Lovua Settlement - Factsheet
    Date de publication: 19 September 2017 (il y a 13 jours)
    Créé: 19 September 2017 (il y a 13 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Assentamento de Lóvua - Factsheet

    Assentamento de Lóvua - Factsheet
    Date de publication: 19 September 2017 (il y a 13 jours)
    Créé: 19 September 2017 (il y a 13 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Angola Inter-Agency August 2017 achievements dashboard

    Angola Inter-Agency August 2017 achievements dashboard
    Date de publication: 19 September 2017 (il y a 13 jours)
    Créé: 19 September 2017 (il y a 13 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Cacanda Reception Centre - Factsheet

    Cacanda Reception Centre - Factsheet
    Date de publication: 19 September 2017 (il y a 13 jours)
    Créé: 19 September 2017 (il y a 13 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Lovua Settlement - Factsheet

    Lovua Settlement - Factsheet
    Date de publication: 19 September 2017 (il y a 13 jours)
    Créé: 19 September 2017 (il y a 13 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Assentamento de Lóvua - Factsheet

    Assentamento de Lóvua - Factsheet
    Date de publication: 19 September 2017 (il y a 13 jours)
    Créé: 19 September 2017 (il y a 13 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Angola Inter-Agency August 2017 achievements dashboard

    Angola Inter-Agency August 2017 achievements dashboard
    Date de publication: 19 September 2017 (il y a 13 jours)
    Créé: 19 September 2017 (il y a 13 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Cacanda Reception Centre - Factsheet

    Cacanda Reception Centre - Factsheet
    Date de publication: 19 September 2017 (il y a 13 jours)
    Créé: 19 September 2017 (il y a 13 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Centro de Registo Cacanda - Factsheet

    Centro de Registo Cacanda - Factsheet
    Date de publication: 19 September 2017 (il y a 13 jours)
    Créé: 19 September 2017 (il y a 13 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Biometric Registration Update as of 22 September - Lunda Norte, Angola

    Biometric Registration Update as of 22 September of the refugee population from the Democratic Republic of Congo in Lunda Norte, Angola
    Date de publication: 23 September 2017 (il y a 9 jours)
    Créé: 24 September 2017 (il y a 7 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Biometric Registration Update as of 15 September - Lunda Norte, Angola

    Biometric Registration Update as of 15 September of the refugee population from the Democratic Republic of Congo in Lunda Norte, Angola
    Date de publication: 18 September 2017 (il y a 14 jours)
    Créé: 18 September 2017 (il y a 14 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Biometric Registration Update as of 8 September - Lunda Norte, Angola

    Biometric Registration Update as of 8 September of the refugee population from the Democratic Republic of Congo in Lunda Norte, Angola
    Date de publication: 11 September 2017 (il y a 21 jours)
    Créé: 11 September 2017 (il y a 20 jours)
  • Télécharger

    População registada com sistema biométrico até ao dia 30 de Julho de 2017

    População registada com sistema biométrico até ao dia 30 de Julho de 2017
    Date de publication: 31 July 2017 (il y a 2 mois)
    Créé: 1 August 2017 (il y a 2 mois)
  • Télécharger

    Biometric Registration Update as of 30 July - Lunda Norte, Angola

    Biometric Registration Update as of 30 July of the refugee population from the Democratic Republic of Congo in Lunda Norte, Angola
    Date de publication: 30 July 2017 (il y a 2 mois)
    Créé: 31 July 2017 (il y a 2 mois)
  • Télécharger

    Focus Group Discussion Report: Relocation of Congolese refugees in Lunda Norte, Angola

    The report summarizes key findings of the focus group discussions conducted with refugees from the Democratic Republic of Congo in Lunda Norte, Angola, on their relocation from temporary reception cen...
    Date de publication: 22 July 2017 (il y a 2 mois)
    Créé: 22 July 2017 (il y a 2 mois)
  • Télécharger

    WFP/FAO Joint Rapid Food Security and Agriculture Assessment Report

    A joint food security and livelihoods assessment for the Congolese refugees in Lunda Norte and the host communities to ensure the choice of relocation site for refugees also takes into consideration p...
    Date de publication: 10 June 2017 (il y a 3 mois)
    Créé: 10 June 2017 (il y a 3 mois)
  • Télécharger

    Apelo Inter-Agências para os Refugiados em Angola

    O apelo inter-agências abrange o financiamento de actividades de protecção e intervenções urgentes entre 15 de abril e 31 de dezembro de 2017
    Date de publication: 3 July 2017 (il y a 2 mois)
    Créé: 3 July 2017 (il y a 2 mois)
  • Télécharger

    Angola Inter-Agency Refugee Appeal April December 2017

    Inter-agency appeal covers funding requirements protection and life-saving interventions from 15 April to 31 December 2017
    Date de publication: 15 June 2017 (il y a 3 mois)
    Créé: 15 June 2017 (il y a 3 mois)
  • Télécharger

    Angola Emergency Response: Expression of Interest I/NGOs

    Concept Note for Submission
    Date de publication: 25 May 2017 (il y a 4 mois)
    Créé: 25 May 2017 (il y a 4 mois)
  • Télécharger

    UNHCR Refugee Coordination Model

    UNHCR Refugee Coordination Model
    Date de publication: 20 November 2016 (il y a 10 mois)
    Créé: 19 May 2017 (il y a 4 mois)
  • Télécharger

    RCM - Modelo de Coordenação de Refugiados do ACNUR

    Modelo de Coordenação de Refugiados do ACNUR
    Date de publication: 20 November 2016 (il y a 10 mois)
    Créé: 19 May 2017 (il y a 4 mois)
  • Télécharger

    Protection Working Group meeting minutes - 22 September

    Protection Working Group meeting minutes - 22 September
    Date de publication: 29 September 2017 (il y a 3 jours)
    Créé: 29 September 2017 (il y a 3 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Minutas da reunião do Grupo de trabalho de Proteção - 22 Setembro

    Minutas da reunião do Grupo de trabalho de Proteção - 22 Setembro
    Date de publication: 29 September 2017 (il y a 3 jours)
    Créé: 29 September 2017 (il y a 3 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Minutes Inter-Agency Refugee Response Coordination Meeting 12 September 2017

    Minutes Inter-Agency Refugee Response Coordination Meeting 12 September 2017
    Date de publication: 22 September 2017 (il y a 10 jours)
    Créé: 23 September 2017 (il y a 8 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Acta Reunião Inter-Agências Coordenação Resposta Refugiados 12 Setembro 2017

    Acta Reunião Inter-Agências Coordenação Resposta Refugiados 12 Setembro 2017
    Date de publication: 22 September 2017 (il y a 10 jours)
    Créé: 23 September 2017 (il y a 8 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Minutas da reunião sobre a situação das crianças desacompanhadas - 12 Setembro 2017

    Minutas da reunião do Grupo de trabalho de Protecção sobre a situação das crianças desacompanhadas - 12 Setembro 2017
    Date de publication: 17 September 2017 (il y a 15 jours)
    Créé: 18 September 2017 (il y a 14 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Inter-Agency Operational Update #16

    Update on the refugee response in Lunda Norte, Angola, between 13 - 19 September 2017
    Date de publication: 28 September 2017 (il y a 4 jours)
    Créé: 29 September 2017 (il y a 2 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Protection weekly report 11 - 16 September / Protecção relatório semanal 11 - 16 Setembro

    Protection weekly report 11 - 16 September / Protecção relatório semanal 11 - 16 Setembro
    Date de publication: 23 September 2017 (il y a 9 jours)
    Créé: 23 September 2017 (il y a 9 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Criando Estruturas de Liderança Comunitária no Assentamento de Lovúa Grupo de Trabalho de Protecção

    Criando Estruturas de Liderança Comunitária no Assentamento de Lovúa Grupo de Trabalho de Protecção
    Date de publication: 20 September 2017 (il y a 12 jours)
    Créé: 20 September 2017 (il y a 12 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Inter-Agency Operational Update #15

    Update on the refugee response in Lunda Norte, Angola, between 6 - 12 September 2017
    Date de publication: 20 September 2017 (il y a 12 jours)
    Créé: 20 September 2017 (il y a 11 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Creating Community Leadership Structures in Lovua Settlement - draft concept note 17 September

    Creating Community Leadership Structures in Lovua Settlement - draft concept note 17 September
    Date de publication: 18 September 2017 (il y a 14 jours)
    Créé: 18 September 2017 (il y a 14 jours)
  • Télécharger

    HESPER Survey Results - September 2017

    Humanitarian Emergency Settings Perceived Needs Scale (HESPER) Survey Results
    Date de publication: 16 September 2017 (il y a 16 jours)
    Créé: 16 September 2017 (il y a 16 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Cacanda Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices and Household feeding practices - August 2017

    Assessment of Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices and Household feeding practices among Refugees from DRC in Lunda Norte, Angola
    Date de publication: 12 September 2017 (il y a 20 jours)
    Créé: 12 September 2017 (il y a 19 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Rapid Protection Assessment

    Rapid Protection Assessment
    Date de publication: 25 May 2017 (il y a 4 mois)
    Créé: 29 May 2017 (il y a 4 mois)
  • Télécharger

    Inter-Agency Operational Update #16

    Update on the refugee response in Lunda Norte, Angola, between 13 - 19 September 2017
    Date de publication: 28 September 2017 (il y a 4 jours)
    Créé: 29 September 2017 (il y a 2 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Actualização Operacional Inter-Agências #15

    Actualização da resposta aos refugiados na Lunda Norte, Angola, 6 - 12 Setembro 2017
    Date de publication: 22 September 2017 (il y a 10 jours)
    Créé: 23 September 2017 (il y a 9 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Inter-Agency Operational Update #15

    Update on the refugee response in Lunda Norte, Angola, between 6 - 12 September 2017
    Date de publication: 20 September 2017 (il y a 12 jours)
    Créé: 20 September 2017 (il y a 11 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Actualização Operacional Inter-Agências #14

    Actualização da resposta aos refugiados na Lunda Norte, Angola, entre 30 de Agosto - 5 Setembro 2017
    Date de publication: 14 September 2017 (il y a 18 jours)
    Créé: 14 September 2017 (il y a 18 jours)
  • Télécharger

    WFP Angola Situation Report #1

    WFP Angola External Situation Report, 01 September 2017
    Date de publication: 12 September 2017 (il y a 20 jours)
    Créé: 12 September 2017 (il y a 20 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Actualização Operacional Inter-Agências #15

    Actualização da resposta aos refugiados na Lunda Norte, Angola, 6 - 12 Setembro 2017
    Date de publication: 22 September 2017 (il y a 10 jours)
    Créé: 23 September 2017 (il y a 9 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Actualização Operacional Inter-Agências #14

    Actualização da resposta aos refugiados na Lunda Norte, Angola, entre 30 de Agosto - 5 Setembro 2017
    Date de publication: 14 September 2017 (il y a 18 jours)
    Créé: 14 September 2017 (il y a 18 jours)
  • Télécharger

    WFP Angola Situation Report #1

    WFP Angola External Situation Report, 01 September 2017
    Date de publication: 12 September 2017 (il y a 20 jours)
    Créé: 12 September 2017 (il y a 20 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Inter-Agency Operational Update #14

    Update on the refugee response in Lunda Norte, Angola, between 30 August - 5 September 2017
    Date de publication: 10 September 2017 (il y a 22 jours)
    Créé: 10 September 2017 (il y a 21 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Actualização Operacional Inter-Agências #13

    Actualização da resposta aos refugiados na Lunda Norte, Angola, entre 23 - 29 Agosto 2017
    Date de publication: 8 September 2017 (il y a 24 jours)
    Créé: 8 September 2017 (il y a 24 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Inter-Agency Operational Update #16

    Update on the refugee response in Lunda Norte, Angola, between 13 - 19 September 2017
    Date de publication: 28 September 2017 (il y a 4 jours)
    Créé: 29 September 2017 (il y a 2 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Actualização Operacional Inter-Agências #15

    Actualização da resposta aos refugiados na Lunda Norte, Angola, 6 - 12 Setembro 2017
    Date de publication: 22 September 2017 (il y a 10 jours)
    Créé: 23 September 2017 (il y a 9 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Inter-Agency Operational Update #15

    Update on the refugee response in Lunda Norte, Angola, between 6 - 12 September 2017
    Date de publication: 20 September 2017 (il y a 12 jours)
    Créé: 20 September 2017 (il y a 11 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Actualização Operacional Inter-Agências #14

    Actualização da resposta aos refugiados na Lunda Norte, Angola, entre 30 de Agosto - 5 Setembro 2017
    Date de publication: 14 September 2017 (il y a 18 jours)
    Créé: 14 September 2017 (il y a 18 jours)
  • Télécharger

    WFP Angola Situation Report #1

    WFP Angola External Situation Report, 01 September 2017
    Date de publication: 12 September 2017 (il y a 20 jours)
    Créé: 12 September 2017 (il y a 20 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Inter-Agency Operational Update #8

    Update on the refugee response in Lunda Norte, Angola, between 19 - 25 July 2017
    Date de publication: 29 July 2017 (il y a 2 mois)
    Créé: 2 August 2017 (il y a 1 mois)
  • Télécharger

    Inter-Agency Operational Update #7

    Update on the refugee response in Lunda Norte, Angola, between 13 - 18 July 2017
    Date de publication: 20 July 2017 (il y a 2 mois)
    Créé: 21 July 2017 (il y a 2 mois)
  • Télécharger

    Inter-Agency Operational Update #4

    Update on the refugee response in Lunda Norte, Angola, between 23 - 29 June 2017
    Date de publication: 2 July 2017 (il y a 3 mois)
    Créé: 2 July 2017 (il y a 2 mois)
  • Télécharger

    Inter-Agency Operational Update

    Update on the refugee response in Lunda Norte, Angola, between 9 - 15 June 2017
    Date de publication: 17 June 2017 (il y a 3 mois)
    Créé: 17 June 2017 (il y a 3 mois)
  • 4Ws template - Lunda Norte

    4Ws template - Lunda Norte
    Date de publication: 27 August 2017 (il y a 1 mois)
    Créé: 27 August 2017 (il y a 1 mois)
  • Télécharger

    Minutas da reunião do Grupo de trabalho de Proteção - 15 Setembro

    Minutas da reunião do Grupo de trabalho de Proteção - 1 Setembro
    Date de publication: 23 September 2017 (il y a 9 jours)
    Créé: 23 September 2017 (il y a 9 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Biometric Registration Update as of July 8, 2017

    Statistics of biometrically registered refugees in Lunda Norte as of 8 July 2017
    Date de publication: 11 July 2017 (il y a 2 mois)
    Créé: 11 July 2017 (il y a 2 mois)
  • Télécharger

    Poplação registada com sistema biométrico até o dia 8 de julho de 2017

    Poplação registada com sistema biométrico até o dia 8 de julho de 2017
    Date de publication: 11 July 2017 (il y a 2 mois)
    Créé: 11 July 2017 (il y a 2 mois)
  • Télécharger

    UNHCR- Angola- Mussungue-Refugee Biometric Stats - 06 June 2017 - ENG

    UNHCR- Angola- Mussungue-Refugee Biometric Stats - 06 June 2017 - ENG
    Date de publication: 19 June 2017 (il y a 3 mois)
    Créé: 19 June 2017 (il y a 3 mois)
  • Télécharger

    UNHCR- Angola- Mussungue-Refugee Biometric Stats - 6 June 2017 - PORT

    UNHCR- Angola- Mussungue-Refugee Biometric Stats - 6 June 2017 - PORT
    Date de publication: 19 June 2017 (il y a 3 mois)
    Créé: 19 June 2017 (il y a 3 mois)
  • Angola Funding Requirements (2017)
    Total Appeal$65,507,610
    Received to Date$25,724,316
    Gap $39,783,294
    Received to Date
      Upcoming Events iCal Feed  Print 
      La crise des Réfugiés dans les médias

    Modern technology helping refugees in Angola get aid fast

    UNHCR, 01 Aug 2017

    A long queue snakes its way through Cacanda reception centre as people wait patiently to receive their monthly food rations of maize meal, cooking oil and beans. An average of 4,500 people queue daily to receive food and other items like blankets, mosquito nets, buckets and solar lamps. The distr... Lire plus


    Preventing acute malnutrition among young Congolese refugee children

    UNHCR, 10 Jul 2017

    Partners joined forces to distribute SuperCereal Plus, a highly nutritious fortified cereal for all Congolese refugee children aged from 6 months to two years at the Cacanda reception centre on 7 and 8 July. In June, a blanket monthly distribution of the nutritious supplementary foods to children ag... Lire plus


    Over 970 refugees moved to Cacanda from the border

    UNHCR, 02 Jul 2017

    UNHCR registered over 970 Congolese refugees over the weekend in partnership with the SME and MINARS using digital iris scan technology. The refugees were brought from the border towns of Nzagi and Lumua with the support of IOM to Cacanda reception centre where the children were screened for malnutr... Lire plus


    Biometric registration kicks off

    UNHCR, 02 Jun 2017

    MINARS, SME and UNHCR started on June 1, 2017 biometric registration of the Congolese refugees recently arrived in Lunda Norte province. So far, 1,200 refugees have been biometrically enrolled and individually registered. MINARS, UNHCR and WFP have pre-registered almost 23,000 refugees up to date. B... Lire plus


    Update: Over 20,000 DRC refugees in Angola

    UNHCR, 12 May 2017

    Some 20,563 refugees have now arrived in Angola, fleeing insecurity and violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo’s Kasai region since early April. A steady stream of refugees continue to cross into Dundo in Lunda Norte Province. More than 3,000 have arrived in the last few days The Angolan arm... Lire plus

    Worldbank country facts
    1,246,700 km2
    89,633,156,470 USD
    Croissance PIB
    Niveau de revenus
    Lower middle income
    Gini index
    Non disponible

       Historical Refugees figures

    Country of origin End of year UNHCR population figures
    2013 2014 2015
    Burundi 18 8 9
    Central African Rep. 13 9 9
    Côte d'Ivoire 407 513 510
    Cameroon 0 1 *
    Dem. Rep. of the Congo 21,104 12,944 12,944
    Congo 65 4 *
    Cuba 2 0 0
    Algeria 1 1 *
    Eritrea 5 19 34
    Western Sahara 27 14 18
    Ethiopia 0 0 *
    Guinea 164 108 107
    Guinea-Bissau 5 1 *
    Haiti 2 1 *
    Iraq 2 0 0
    Liberia 160 153 155
    Libya 0 1 *
    Mali 0 2 *
    Mauritania 235 299 306
    Rwanda 458 257 273
    Sudan 281 300 313
    Sierra Leone 413 372 374
    Somalia 215 272 288
    Chad 195 177 184
    Togo 0 0 *
    United Rep. of Tanzania 6 4 *
    Uganda 2 6 6
    South Africa 2 1 *
    Zambia 1 7 7