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Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs (IFI) at the American University of Beirut (AUB)
IFI at AUB Aug 31
Pierre El Khoury, Director of the Lebanese Center for Energy Conservation: Excellent milestone to initiate more studies in the future.
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IFI at AUB Aug 31
: Regionally, is the first city to be (solar) mapped and have that map made publicly available.
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IFI at AUB Aug 31
Dr. Ali Ahmad: Generating energy from solar power is even cheaper than using fossil fuels. Solar energy is a revolution that's just started!
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IFI at AUB Aug 31
Tune in to today's Report Launch: Assessing Solar PV’s Potential in
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IFI at AUB Aug 29
in warning against politicians in Lebanon inflating the actual burden of the refugee crisis.
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IFI at AUB Aug 28
“The Myth of Energy Security” — 
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IFI at AUB retweeted
Tarek Mitri Aug 22
Les réfugiés ne sont pas un danger, disait-il lors de son voyage à Lesbos, mais sont en danger.
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IFI at AUB retweeted
Rami G. Khouri Aug 23
Sadness and dangers in the intense media attacks in the Gulf. My latest column today.
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IFI at AUB Aug 18
Global warming to hit Lebanese economy hard
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IFI at AUB Aug 16
ترقبونا اليوم الساعة الخامسة مساء على تلفزيون العربية للتحدث حول قضية اللجوء السوري
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IFI at AUB Aug 15
• تشريح قانون العنف الأسري في لبنان ٢٩٣: هل النساء محميّات؟ من إعداد فاطمة الموسوي وناصر ياسين
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IFI at AUB Aug 14
“Renewables and legitimacy in post-conflict states in the Middle East” — 
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IFI at AUB retweeted
theKIPproject Aug 3
Our campaign stands for the idea that sexual harassment is not okay
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IFI at AUB retweeted
التلفزيون العربي Aug 10
بعد خطابات سياسية طالبت المجتمع الدولي بمساعدات مالية لاحتضان السوريين..بلديات لبنانية تطالب تجاراً سوريين بإغلاق محالهم
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IFI at AUB Aug 10
Dissecting Lebanese Law293 on domestic violence: Are women protected? IFI Brief by Fatima Moussawi and
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IFI at AUB Aug 8
is committed to presenting Jeanne D’Arc Street as a model street for many other main thoroughfares in Beirut.
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IFI at AUB Aug 8
“Lebanon’s oil and gas: Four reasons why disputed zone with Israel doesn’t matter” by
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IFI at AUB retweeted
Andrea L Stanton Aug 8
Bringing data & clarity to the crisis in : 's important work:
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IFI at AUB Aug 8
رهاب اللجوء السوري: بلديات تمنع الاستثمار في نطاقها | الأخبار via
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IFI at AUB Aug 8
Deutsche Welle interviews Issam Fares Institute Senior Fellow Rami Khouri on Israel's decision to ban Al Jazeera:
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