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#UNHCR,#Nigeria &#Cameroon need to meet ASAP to outline minimum conditions for return says@RefugeesChief Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. Undo -
20 June is World
#RefugeeDay. We stand
#WithRefugeesto guarantee every refugee child gets an education. And you, where do YOU stand?
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Aujourd'hui 20 juin
#JournéeDuRéfugiéNous voulons garantir une education à chq enfant réfugié. Et vous? Solidaire
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UNHCR West Africa Retweeted
Le nombre de personnes déplacées atteint son plus haut niveau depuis des décennies
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65,6 millions fuyant guerres & persécutions: nb record de deplacé(e)s dans le monde depuis que
@Le_HCR existe Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. Undo -
UNHCR West Africa Retweeted
The number of refugees in the world is the highest ever seen. Global Trends - what you need to know:
Today we release Global Trends, our definitive annual data on refugees and the forcibly displaced. This video explains the data.Thanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. Undo -
65.6 million forced to flee war, violence & persecution across the world, more than ever in
#UNHCR history Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. Undo -
@unhcrnigeria present in#Banki to monitor other urgent needs for 818 returning#refugees. Conditions in the camp are stableThanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. Undo -
@unhcrnigeria working w partners in#Banki for emergency reception to provide returning#refugees w. tents, food & firewoodThanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. Undo -
1/3 Today 818
#Nigeria#refugees left#Cameroon 2 return 2#Banki: 151 men, 146 women & 521 children.@unhcrnigeria is on the groundThanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. Undo -
#Niger avec +25% de réfugiés à Diffa, la sortie du "tout humanitaire" devient un impératif Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. Undo -
#SignAndPass! Avec Messi + Neymar Jnr, FC Barcelona Fundacio &@Le_HCR lancent une campagne pr aider les#réfugiés Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. Undo -
#SignAndPass! Messi + Neymar Jnr back FC Barcelona Fundacio & UNHCR to help ppl displaced by war & persecution Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. Undo -
#Nigeria “the prolonged absence of food has led to serious protection risks for population” says@UNHCRNIGERIA Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. Undo -
#Nigeria refugees returning are facing new emergency situation & protection risks says@unhcrnigeria Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. Undo -
#Niger shocking deaths part of exploitation as smugglers broaden death trap from Mediterranean to Sahara Desert Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. Undo -
#Niger: UNHCR shocked at deaths of 44 desperate migrants & refugees in Sahara Desert, btw Agadez & Dirkou Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. Undo -
#Nigeria most refugee returnees still unable 2 travel 2 their villages, pressing need for + shelter & facilities Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. Undo -
#Nigeria, UNHCR steps up support amidst as 12,000 refugees returned from Cameroon to Banki in one month Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. Undo -
UNHCR West Africa Retweeted
#statelessness is serious human rights issue, preventing ppl frm deciding their own futures, says our#UNHCR Volker Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. Undo
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