A new deal for Somalia's displaced? Exploring opportunities of engagement for durable solutions with the somalia new deal compact

It is the objective of this report to support the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) and its partners, primarily in the Regional Durable Solutions Secretariat (ReDSS), take stock of potential opportunities for promoting durable solutions for displaced people in the Somalia New Deal Compact by firstly identifying displacement in Somalia’s development discourse and secondly, assessing stakeholder engagement in the Compact. This presents a unique opportunity to emphasise the importance of displacement in development and stability frameworks. This report will feed policy discussions by presenting a stocktaking exercise of the New Deal Process as it stands today, with concerns to opportunities for promotion of durable solutions, and potential challenges and recommendations for an effective mainstreaming of migration and displacement issues in the Somali Compact. The study will clarify what the Compact says about displaced communities in Somalia, how it will be implemented in this regard, and how INGOs can engage constructively with the New Deal Process in order to ensure that durable solutions for the 3 million displaced in and out of Somalia is turned into a policy and operational priority.
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Publication date: 
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Resource type: 
Research Paper
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Samual Hall Consulting
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