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Shabia Mantoo
UNHCR, UN Refugee Agency () Spokesperson for via Geneva HQ, MENA, Asia Pacific + London. Globaphilic Aussie-Brit. Usual caveats
Shabia Mantoo Jun 18
Speaking on today on the humanitarian situation in .
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Shabia Mantoo Jun 8
Cholera death toll increasing in Yemen. More than 100k suspected cases and 789 deaths.
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Shabia Mantoo Jun 4
17 million people are going hungry in - making it the world's largest food security crisis at present.
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Shabia Mantoo retweeted
UN Refugee Agency Jun 4
Young or old, conflict doesn't discriminate. These boys had to flee their homes in mountainous Utmah, for safety. Via
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Shabia Mantoo Jun 2
2 yrs of conflict in Yemen= world's largest humanitarian crisis, world's largest food security crisis, mass displacement, hunger and cholera
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Shabia Mantoo Jun 2
No respite -even in Ramadan. Blast in local market packed with shoppers in Al Jawf, kills and injures scores:
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Shabia Mantoo May 27
Tragic: Owing to war, children are increasingly being married off by desperate parents unable to support them
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Shabia Mantoo retweeted
UN Yemen May 26
Statement by the humanitarian coordinator in on the recent escalation of violence in city
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Shabia Mantoo retweeted
UNHCR Yemen May 25
Ramadan greetings and thoughts with all those affected by conflict and away from home. We wish that this brings peace in .
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Shabia Mantoo retweeted
Giles Clarke May 22
Refugees make headlines. Internally displaced people don't.
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Shabia Mantoo May 17
Replying to @MaxOfArabia
Thankyou and yes! Yemen and Yemenis needs support and we need more attention on the crisis. Can you DM me? Thanks
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Shabia Mantoo retweeted
Noah Browning May 16
Spread of combat, cholera wreaks misery in
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Shabia Mantoo retweeted
UNHCR Yemen May 16
: "Yemen now is an inventory of misery - what more will it take to get the world's attention?"
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Shabia Mantoo retweeted
UNHCR Yemen May 15
Replying to @Refugees
With people displaced by conflict all across Yemen, our teams go out to assist those most vulnerable even in hard-to-reach and remote areas.
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Shabia Mantoo retweeted
UNHCR Yemen May 14
What does a day in the life of look like? Join us on twitter today as we show you a bit of what we do on the ground across Yemen
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Shabia Mantoo May 14
Alawiya and her kids say she is more than 100 yrs old. Despite her age and fortitude she is now 1 of 2M in displaced by conflict.
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Shabia Mantoo May 13
Mountainous north-western . So much unspoiled, natural beauty.
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Shabia Mantoo May 12
Women displaced by conflict in Hudaydah, , prepare a communal lunch; a leafy plant that will be stewed and eaten with a bit of bread.
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Shabia Mantoo May 11
More displaced women + kids forced to fend for themselves on the streets in Hudaydah, asking "where are we supposed to go from here?"
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Shabia Mantoo retweeted
Christian Afonso May 11
Entre 100.000 y 500.000 yemeníes, en riesgo de desplazamiento por el incremento de hostilidades en el país, según la ONU.
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