
Information Kit 16 3RP March 2017 Inter-Agency Interventions for Syrian Refugees- Iraq as of 31 December 2016

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Document Type: 3RP Documents
Document Type: English,Arabic
Published: 30 March 2017 (2 months ago)
Uploaded: 30 March 2017 (2 months ago)
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Information Kit 16 3RP March 2017 Inter-Agency Interventions for Syrian Refugees- Iraq as of 31 December 2016

Document Type: 3RP Documents
Document Language: English,Arabic
Information Kit 16 3RP March 2017 Inter-Agency Interventions for Syrian Refugees- Iraq as of 31 December 2016


  • Action contre la faim
  • Food and Agriculture Organization
  • Finnish Refugee Council (FRC)
  • Harikar
  • International Medical Corps
  • Iraqi Salvation Humanitarian Organization
  • Jiyan Foundation
  • Kurdistan Regional Governement - Development and Modification Center
  • Kurdistan Save the Children
  • Kurds NGO
  • Minsitry of Migration and Displacment
  • Ministry of Health Iraq
  • Rehablitation, Education And Community's Health
  • Relief International
  • The United Iraqi Medical Society for relief and development
  • UN Women
  • United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
  • Youth Activity Organization


  • Iraq
  • Syrian Arab Republic

Population Group

Country Group
Unknown Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees  (PDF, 65.10 MB)