
War has forced millions of families to flee their homes

This is the most urgent story of our time

Patrick meets Puan Jainabbi

I personally feel that the refugees, especially the elderly, need the support from society as they have no family to support them and they are not able to work to earn a living.

Jacenta James, Volunteer

I can only imagine what the refugee children are feeling or are going through. Leaving their country for good is one of the hardest decisions anyone can be forced to make. It […]

Muhammad bin Kamarulazizi, Volunteer

… And the best part is that, he will never show that he is having a hard time handling the school affairs, even though I know that getting funds for the school is quite challenging.

They are the real ‘soldiers’ - fighting for an uncertain future despite the adversity.

I wonder how many shattered dreams and broken smiles are hiding behind those young and innocent souls. War, death, violence and reality happened too soon for the children and they do not deserve to live like this.

Working with refugees always causes me to reflect...What is the meaning of a sustainable happiness?

Working with refugees always causes me to reflect, especially when volunteering for refugee kids. Kids are very fragile, pure and emotional, especially those who have lost their loved ones. They will share with you every single detail of their happy moments and upsetting stories. […]

Their courage is admirable.

It is an emotional and eye-opening experience to sit and listen to the stories and incredible suffering of refugees. It makes one appreciate the simple things in life such as having a safe home and future.

Tan Szee Ling, Volunteer

By understanding what happened to their families and how they were forced to flee from their home country, I strongly felt that we should lend a hand whenever we can.

Edwina Tan, Volunteer

I wish I could do more to help. It is dreadfully frustrating at times, but even if you can’t help them fix their lives as much as they would wish, the refugees do so much and appreciate others coming alongside to try to give them a hand.

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Aspalynna Mohd Aripin, Volunteer

Most of the [refugee] children who received a McDonalds Happy Meal decided to not eat their meal but wanted to take it home to share it with their family.

Muhammad Hisyam Abdullah, Volunteer

What touched me the most during the time that I spent with the refugees is their friendliness and eagerness to strive for success, against all odds.

Khong Kar Mun, Volunteer

Education is very important to every individual and I believe that refugees do not get the opportunity to attain a proper one to make a difference in their destiny.

Trine Engskov Paludan, Volunteer

They are inspiring young people. I’ve been touched by their tears, their worries and their heartaches, and I’m in awe of […]

Kate Stricklan, Volunteer

Time and time again, I learned of parents protecting their children to the death, offering themselves up so that their sons and daughters might escape the terrorist’s grasp.

1 family torn apart by war is too many

Learn more about our work with refugees at UNHCR.org