Humanitarian workers

War has forced millions of families to flee their homes

This is the most urgent story of our time

Rajendra’s Story, Nepal

Although I am not directly involved in the resettlement process, my involvement with UNHCR makes me proud.

Francesco’s Story, Central African Republic

At times, it may also be frustrating, …, but in principle we can make a difference….

Purushottam’s Story, Nepal

The work is challenging, but the smiles on the faces of the children motivate and inspire me to face any challenge and bring happiness to these children…

Sangita’s Story, Nepal

The job is quite challenging but when I do my best for the refugee children, I make a big difference in their life…

Nergis’ Story, Pakistan

“Helping people and bringing happiness back into broken lives is like an addiction… do it once, and then keep going for the rest of your life”

Nathalie’s Story, Central African Republic

The most rewarding part is that I help others endure their suffering and achieve something that they couldn’t before.

Maker’s Story, Uganda

“I am proud to be working for UNHCR today, because I can relate to refugees.”

Martin’s Story from Mexico

Martin and other UNHCR representatives stayed with a Guatemalan refugee community threatened by the army, and saved their lives…

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Cristina’s Story, Iraq

The father of one of the refugee families decided that another volunteer and I would not be without a family in Iraq, so he appointed us as his sisters…

Fadala’s Story, Algeria

Fadala’s dream is to work as a journalist, to be able to convey the difficult life conditions her people are going through…

Susan’s Story, Tanzania

When the support I provide helps a single mother, who lost her husband, find a durable solution that restores her hope, it’s something I am proud of…

Balazs’ Story, Bangladesh

“The most rewarding is the smile of the children we teach, the grateful look of the hungry we feed, the blessing of the sick or elderly we attend to…”

Francis’ Story, Central African Republic

I’ll never forget the time when I was involved in a hostage situation, together with other humanitarian workers. …

Jenry’s Story, Philippines

While he would sometimes steal the spotlight through his jokes, he is also a leader who steps aside so that the community would realize their capacities and potential…

Naima Abdullahi’s Story, USA

Naima’s uncle was murdered in Ethiopia, her parents fled to Kenya as political refugees…

Sushil’s Story, Nepal

Contributing to the refugees’ understanding of the laws, and enabling them to seek a better future through resettlement gives me a great sense of accomplishment…

Marzia’s Story, Central African Republic

Marzia considers a letter from a refugee as one of the most rewarding moments in her work…

Alba’s Story, Venezuela

Albe remembers in particular when María, a Colombian refugee, gave her a smile for the first time,…

Willy’s Story, Central African Republic

Once, a woman came to see me in tears. We talked for a very long time and she left without asking for anything. I had helped her just by being there and listening…

Shamim’s Story, Kenya

Being a woman in this job is not easy. People often ask me: “You are 25 years old. Why are you not married?”…

Vrouyr’s Story, Armenia

Vrouyr likes the quote by Einstein: ‘’The Bundle of belongings isn’t the only thing a refugee brings to his new country.’’

Bathoul’s Story, Lebanon

As a sister to two younger brothers I could almost hear my heart break. I couldn’t imagine my little brother going through life without dreams…

Kataya’s Story, Cyprus

Aspasia Marangou, a teacher, recalls the time she met Kataya from Lebanon while volunteering for an NGO in Cyprus…

Carlos’ Story, Colombia

Carlos, who was himself a victim of forced displacement in his youth, enjoys working with and assisting the community, especially the children….

Matabaro’s Story, Uganda

He grew up with an abusive father and was forced to change his name out of fear, but now he works as a social worker helping and supporting others…

Margarita’s Story, Colombia

Margarita tells the story of professor Nelson Pajaro, who was displaced himself but implemented a project that gave training to children…

Marie Jones’ Story, Ghana

The moment that she saw the structure, she knelt down in tears, thanking God. It was so moving that all of us present wept with her.

Peter’s Story, Kenya

“Every step of my journey was made possible by people’s humanity. If it wasn’t for their kindness, I would have lost my mind. “

Kwa Kyi’s Story, Thailand

Kwa Kyi became a landmine victim in 1986, but has since dedicated himself to advocating for those with disabilities and who have suffered a similar fate.

Florent’s Story, Burundi

“A refugee status is not eternal. It can cease at some point. When it does, you can return to your country and rebuild your life.”

1 family torn apart by war is too many

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