Isaiah Labai’s Breath of Freedom

 I thought there was no second chance, I thought the end was near, I thought my kids would not live to see the future every human being deserves.


My name is Isaiah Lafai and I am a former refugee from Sierra Leone. In my life in the refugee camps, there were things that shocked the life out of me. The fear of war shocked me. in the refugee camps hopelessness shocked the breath out of me. Living without education and lack of knowledge shocked me. Living in a foreign country far away from my country of birth, I’ve dealt with prejudice that has also shocked me. I thought there was no second chance, I thought the end was near, I thought my kids would not live to see the future every human being deserves. Today, I am thankful to God Almighty, I am alive and sharing my story. Growing up in my native Sierra Leone, I never imagined I could reach a country like Australia. Even though life was not completely perfect, I was comfortable. Until one unforgettable day on the 23 of March 1991 when the civil war reached my door step in Sierra Leone. For 14 years of my youthful life, I was living from one refugee camp to another. Peace was no where to be found. everything around me was a failure. Close families were killed and horrible war scenarios were a common place. There was no where safe in my district, everyone was fleeing for their lives. I was even left behind by my parents. I had to walk for three days to reach safety in neighbouring Guinea. Throughout my young life, I saw no peace. I am grateful to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and the Australian community for welcoming me and my family. Today, I have a new page to write a new story for my family. TO GOD BE THE GLORY.

— by Isaiah Lahai, Australia

posted: Thursday, 12th June, 2014

1 family torn apart by war is too many

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