Operation: Mexico
Latest update of camps and office locations 21 Nov 2016. By clicking on the icons on the map, additional information is displayed.
Key Figures
2016 end-year results | |
4,840 | PoC were accommodated in shelters |
4,550 | PoC received cash assistance |
17 | shelters were built, expanded or rehabilitated |
2017 planning figures | |
12,500 | people of concern will be provided with information on asylum procedures |
7,200 | individuals will be accommodated in reception/transit centres and the infrastructure of 25 reception centres will be improved |
7,000 | individuals will be supported with material assistance, including those released from detention |
2,000 | detainees will be monitored and individually recorded by age and sex |
35 | advocacy interventions to promote alternatives to detention will be undertaken |
15% | of unaccompanied or separated minors for whom a best interests process has been initiated or completed |
Latest Updates and Related Links
People of Concern
Increase in
2016 | 8,862 |
2015 | 4,286 |
2014 | 4,722 |

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- 2015
- 2016
- 2017
Working environment
In 2016 an estimated 500,000 people entered Mexico irregularly, mainly originating from Central America but also including some 27,000 people from Haiti. While many sought to reach the United States of America, a growing number of people from the Northern Triangle of Central America (El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala) sought asylum in Mexico. This has put additional pressure on Mexico’s already-strained asylum system and limited shelter infrastructure, in particular along its southern border.Population trends
In 2016, Mexico received 8,781 asylum applications, of which almost 92 per cent were from the Northern Triangle of Central America countries. This was the highest number of asylum applications recorded since the 1980s.A total of 3,282 people were recognized as refugees or received complementary protection.
Achievements and impact
- 345 monitoring visits to 35 detention centres were carried out across Mexico. More than 28,000 potential asylum-seekers in detention were informed of their right to claim asylum and on the asylum procedure in Mexico. An additional 5,000 potential asylum-seekers also received legal assistance.
- Infrastructure improvements were made to 17 shelters. By the end of 2016, shelters had the capacity to assist some 2,000 people of concern at a time.
- UNHCR provided support for housing, schooling, health and employment to 38 refugees who relocated to the northern city of Saltillo.
Unmet needs
- Local integration prospects were limited due to constrained capacity to coordinate and build networks in different areas that could facilitate the integration of refugees.