الاستجابة الإقليميّة للاجئين السوريين
البوابة الإلكترونية للمعلومات بين الوكالات
البوابة الإلكترونية للمعلومات بين الوكالات


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Inter-agency Multi Sectoral Statistical Dashboard - October 2016
6 January 2017

BNWG-MoM 13-12-2016
5 January 2017

Donor Impact story Germany
4 January 2017

External Statistical Report on UNHCR Registered Syrians as of 31 December 2016
31 December 2016

External Statistical Report on UNHCR Registered Iraqis as of 31 December 2016
31 December 2016

Interagency - Lebanon - Child Protection - 3W - November 2016
30 December 2016

Duhok WG- Coordination Meetings Schedule- January 2017
29 December 2016

WFP: December Highlights in Turkey
28 December 2016

WFP: Sosyal Uyum Yardim Programi’na Dair Sıkca Sorulan Sorular
28 December 2016

WFP: FAQ on Emergency Social Safety Net
28 December 2016

WFP: Country Brief
28 December 2016

WFP: Ulke Bilgi Dokumani
28 December 2016

WHO: Migrant Health Centers in Turkey with Provincial Breakdown
28 December 2016

WHO: Migrant Health Centers in Turkey with Camp Locations
28 December 2016

EGYPT- Food Security DB- September 2016
27 December 2016

Turkey: IMWG Meeting Minutes 29 November 2016
27 December 2016

27 December 2016

27 December 2016


Egypt 641
Europe (Asylum Seekers) 48
Iraq 1599
Jordan 3384
Lebanon 3762
Regional 876
Syrian Arab Republic 37
Turkey 1099
Ajlun Governorate 21
Amman Governorate 65
Anbar 77
Aqaba Governorate 3
Baghdad 9
Balqa Governorate 23
Beirut 217
Bekaa 244
Dispersed in Jordan 3
Duhok 297
Egypt 334
Erbil 340
Gaziantep 2
Irbid Governorate 58
Jarash Governorate 24
Jordan 464
Karak Govenorate 4
Lebanon 1079
Maan Governorate 3
Madaba Governorate 3
Mafraq Governorate 384
Mount Lebanon 150
North Lebanon 268
Refugee Camp in Jordan 30
Refugees Dispersed in Iraq 2
South Lebanon 162
Sulaymaniyah 157
Tafilah Govenorate 4
Turkey 325
Zarqa Governorate 69
Ajloun 20
Akkar 103
Akre Settlement 13
Al-Obaidi Camp 8
Amman 49
Anbar Non-Camp 4
Aqabah 2
Arbat Permanent Camp 12
Azraq Camp 61
Baalbek 16
Balqa 22
Basirma Camp 54
Beirut 135
Bekaa 42
Camp-based Refugees 177
Chouf 1
Cyber City Refugee Camp 2
Darashakran Camp 52
Dispersed in Jordan 10
Domiz 1 Camp 64
Domiz 2 Camp 9
Duhok Non-Camp 10
Egypt 324
El Batroun 6
El Hermel 5
El Koura 6
El Meten 1
El Minieh-Dennie 7
Emirati Jordanian Camp (Murijep al Fhoud) 1
Erbil Non-Camp 9
Gawilan Camp 51
Irbid 40
Jarash 21
Jordan 427
Karak 2
Kawergosk Camp 60
King Abdullah Park Refugee Camp 2
Lebanon 990
Maan 2
Madaba 1
Mafraq 38
Marjaayoun 1
Mount Lebanon 32
North Lebanon 31
Qushtapa Camp 54
Rachaya 4
Refugees Dispersed in Iraq 1
Saida 1
Sour 6
South Lebanon 53
Sulaymaniyah Non-Camp 11
Tafilah 2
Tripoli 32
Urban Refugees 8
West Bekaa 4
Zaatari Refugee Camp 339
Zahle 31
Zarqa 3
Zgharta 7
Document Categories
3RP Documents 45
Assessments 423
Communication with Communities 272
Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) 37
Dashboard & Factsheet 2173
Data & Statistics 983
Funding 328
Guidance 549
Maps 1150
Meeting Minutes 1336
Regional Response Plans 47
Reports 914
Reports and Policy Papers 35
Situation Updates 1759
Terms of Reference (TOR) 87
Training Materials 75
Agriculture 5
Camp Management 133
Cash Assistance 215
Child Protection 283
Community Services 80
Coordination 639
Core Relief Items (CRIs) 338
Education 528
Environment 4
Food Security 531
Gender-Based Violence 136
Health 1150
Information Management 946
Livelihood 456
Logistics 8
Mental Health and Psychosocial Support 32
Nutrition 52
Protection 983
Registration 671
Reproductive Health 46
Return 2
Shelter 367
Transportation 16
Water & Sanitation 581
Friends of Waldorf Education () 41
REACH-Initiative Lebanon ( REACH-Initiative) 50
ABAAD-Resource Center for Gender Equality (ABAAD Lebanon) 2
Action Contrela Faim (ACF) 1
Action contre la faim (ACF Lebanon) 5
Arab Council for Supporting Fair Trials and Human Rights Egypt (ACSFT Egypt) 1
Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development (ACTED ) 1
ALEF - Act for Human Rights (ALEF - Lebanon) 1
AMEL Lebanon (AMEL Lebanon) 5
ARDD-Legal Aid Jordan (ARDD-LA - Jordan) 2
AVSI Foundation (AVSI Jordan) 2
AVSI (AVSI Lebanon) 4
CARE International Jordan (CARE Jordan) 8
CARE Lebanon (CARE Lebanon) 1
CARITAS Egypt (CARITAS Egypt) 10
CARITAS Jordan (CARITAS Jordan) 4
Cooperative Housing Foundation International (CHF Jordan) 2
Caritas Lebanon Migrant Center (CLMC Lebanon ) 2
Catholic Relief Services Egypt (CRS Egypt) 8
Catholic Relief Services Lebanon (CRS Lebanon) 1
Center for victims of torture (CVT Jordan) 1
Danish Refugee Council (DRC) 2
Danish Refugee Council (DRC Iraq) 3
Danish Refugee Council - Lebanon (DRC Lebanon) 12
Danish Refugee Council - Jordan (DRC- Jordan) 4
The Eastern Mediterranean Public Health Network (EMPHNET) 1
European Union (EU) (EU) 4
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) 2
Food and Agriculture Organization Lebanon (FAO-Lebanon) 39
Finn Church Aid (FCA Jordan) 2
Fundacion Promocion Social de la Cultura (FPSC) (FPSC - Jordan) 1
Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (GOJ) 9
HelpAge International (HelpAge) 4
Handicap International Iraq (HI Iraq) 1
Handicap International Jordan (HI Jordan) 15
Handicap International Lebanon (HI Lebanon) 14
Human Relief Foundation (HRF Jordan) 1
International Catholic Migration Commission - Jordan (ICMC Jordan) 4
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent (IFRC Jordan) 21
ILO (ILO) 28
Information Management Working Group Lebanon (IM WG - Lebanon) 15
International Medical Corps (IMC) 2
International Medical Corps (IMC Jordan) 25
International Medical Corps (IMC Lebanon) 12
Inter - Agence Lebanon (Inter - Agence Lebanon) 59
International Alert (International Alert) 9
INTERSOS Lebanon (INTERSOS Lebanon) 1
International Orthodox Christian Charities - Lebanon (IOCC Lebanon) 2
International Organization for Migration - Headquarters (IOM) 49
Inte'l Organisation for Migration (IOM) 2
International Organization for Migration- Egypt (IOM) 3
International Organization for Migration Iraq (IOM Iraq) 18
International Organization for Migration - Jordan (IOM Jordan) 4
International Organization for Migration - Lebanon (IOM Lebanon) 7
International Organization for Migration - Regional Office for the Middle East and North Africa (IOM RO MENA) 5
International Organization for Migration - Turkey (IOM Turkey) 23
International Rescue Committee - Jordan (IRC Jordan) 9
International Rescue Committee - Lebanon (IRC Lebanon) 8
International Relief & Development (IRD) 4
International Relief & Development (IRD Jordan) 5
Islamic Relief Worldwide - Egypt (IRW Egypt) 2
Japan Emergency NGO (JEN) (JEN ) 1
Jordan Health Aid Society (JHAS Jordan) 2
Jordan Hashemite charity organization (JHCO Jordan) 7
Jordan River Foundation (JRF Jordan) 1
KAFA Lebanon (KAFA Lebanon) 1
Mines Advisory Group (MAG) 2
Mercy Corps (MC Jordan) 2
Mercy Corps Lebanon (MC Lebanon) 4
Medair (Medair Lebanon) 1
Mercy USA Lebanon (Mercy USA Lebanon) 2
Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) 27
Ministry of Education - Jordan (MoE Jordan) 2
Ministry of Health - Jordan (MoH Jordan) 6
Ministry of Labour- Jordan (MoL Jordan) 1
Ministry of Public Health Lebanon (MoPH Lebanon) 1
Ministry of Social Affairs Lebanon (MoSA Lebanon) 9
MPDL (MPDL Lebanon) 1
Norwegian Refugee Council - Iraq (NRC Iraq) 2
Norwegian Refugee Council - Jordan (NRC Jordan) 22
Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC Lebanon) 6
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) 106
Oxfam GB (Oxfam - Jordan) 12
OXFAM Lebanon (OXFAM Lebanon) 7
Psycho-Social Training Institute in Cairo - Egypt (PSTIC Egypt) 5
Premiere Urgence- AIde Medicale Internationale (PU- AMI) 2
Première Urgence - Aide Médicale Internationale (PU-AMI Jordan) 5
Premiere Urgence - Aide Medicale Internationale (PU-AMI Lebanon) 3
Questscope for Social Development in the Middle East (Questscope Jordan) 1
United Nations Resident Coordinator Office - Lebanon (RCO Lebanon) 3
REACH-Initiative Jordan (REACH-Initiative) 182
REACH-Initiative Iraq (REACH-Initiative) 27
Relief International (RI) 5
Save the Children International (SAVE International) 30
Save the Children - Iraq (SAVE Iraq) 1
Save the Children Jordan (SAVE Jordan) 19
Save the Children - Lebanon (SAVE Lebanon) 7
SFCG Lebanon (SFCG Lebanon) 3
Social, Humanitarian, Economical Intervention for Local Development (SHEILD Lebanon) 1
SIREN Associates Jordan (SIREN ) 2
Solidarités International (Solidarités) 2
Tadamon Egypt (Tadamon Egypt) 3
Terre des Hommes Egypt (TDH Egypt) 3
Terre Des Hommes (TdH Jordan) 4
Turkish Red Cross (TRC Turkey) 3
UN Women (UN Women) 2
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) 111
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) 84
United Nations Developement Program Iraq (UNDP Iraq) 16
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO Lebanon) 1
United Nations Population Fund Turkey (UNFPA) 5
United Nations Population Fund - Iraq (UNFPA Iraq) (UNFPA Iraq) 15
United Nations Population Fund - Jordan (UNFPA Jordan) 68
United Nations Population Fund Lebanon (UNFPA Lebanon) 9
United Nations High Commissioner For Refugees Iraq (UNHCR) 5
United Nations High Commissioner For Refugees Egypt (UNHCR Egypt) 355
United Nations High Commissioner For Refugees Iraq (UNHCR Iraq) 1179
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees - Jordan (UNHCR Jordan) 2336
United Nations High Commissioner For Refugees Lebanon (UNHCR Lebanon) 2983
United Nations High Commissioner For Refugees, Middle East & North Africa (UNHCR MENA) 881
Regional Refugee Coordinator (UNHCR RRC Hub) 16
United Nations High Commissioner For Refugees Turkey (UNHCR Turkey) 616
United Nations Children's Fund - Jordan (UNICEF - Jordan ) 125
United Nations Children's Fund - Turkey (UNICEF - Turkey) 15
United Nations Children's Fund - Egypt (UNICEF Egypt) 11
United Nations Children's Fund - Iraq (UNICEF Iraq) 77
United Nations Children's Fund  - Lebanon (UNICEF Lebanon) 209
United Nations Children's Fund MENA Regional Office Jordan (UNICEF MENA Regional Office Jordan) 59
United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) 2
United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) 16
UN Women Arab States SRO - Jordan (UNWOMEN Jordan) 3
Un Ponte Per (UPP) 2
Un Ponte Per- Iraq (UPP Iraq) 6
War Child UK (War Child UK ) 1
WarChild UK (WarChild UK ) 1
War Child Holland - Lebanon (WCH Lebanon) 2
World Food Programme - Regional Office (WFP) 62
World Food Programme - Egypt (WFP Egypt) 10
World Food Programme Iraq (WFP Iraq) 37
World Food Programme - Jordan (WFP Jordan) 52
World Food Programme Lebanon (WFP Lebanon) 124
World Food Programme - Turkey (WFP Turkey) 17
World Health Organization - IRAQ (WHO Iraq) 34
World Health Organization (WHO Jordan) 28
World Health Organization (WHO Lebanon) 22
World Health Organisation (WHO Turkey) 10
World Bank (World Bank) 2
Women's Refugee Commission (WRC) 2
World Vision International (WVI) 1
World Vision International (WVI Lebanon) 6
Working Groups
Inter-Sector Coordination - Jordan 268
Age and Disability Task Force (Zaatari) 2
Basic Assistance Working Group - Lebanon 164
Basic Needs Working Group - Egypt 8
Basic Needs Working Group - Jordan 112
Cash Working Group - Lebanon 37
Cash Working Group - merged into Basic Needs in 2015 - Jordan 112
Child Protection in Emergencies Working Group - Lebanon 177
Community Health Task Group 25
Disability Task Force 12
Distributions / Assistance WG Iraq 1
Education Partners Lebanon 150
Education Working Group - Egypt 7
Education Working Group - Jordan 140
Education Working Group Iraq 29
Energy and Water Working Group Lebanon 194
Food Security Working Group - Jordan 103
Food Security Working Group - Lebanon 166
Food WG Iraq 25
Food Working Group - Egypt 9
Gender Equality (SGFPN) - Jordan 113
Health Working Group - Egypt 9
Health Working Group - Jordan 288
Health Working Group - Syrian Response 2
Health Working Group Iraq 227
Health Working Group Lebanon 285
Information Management Working Group Iraq 49
Information Management Working Group Lebanon 443
Information Management Working Group- Jordan 18
Inter-Agency SEA Community-Based Complaint Referral Mechanism and awareness materials tools 17
Legal Documents 2
Livelihoods 27
Livelihoods Working Group - Jordan 78
Livelihoods Working Group -Lebanon 129
Mental Health Working Group - Jordan 3
NFI Working Group - merged into Basic Needs in 2015 - Jordan 86
NFI Working Group Iraq 20
Non-communicable Diseases Task Force 4
Protection Working Group - Egypt 9
Protection Working Group - Jordan 187
Protection Working Group Iraq 29
Protection Working Group Lebanon 161
PSEA Focal Point Network - Jordan 11
RAIS Refugee Assistance - Jordan 4
Refugee Coordination 24
SGBV Task Force - Lebanon 70
SGBV Working Group - Egypt 6
Shelter and NFI WG Iraq 26
Shelter Working Group - Jordan 78
Shelter Working Group Lebanon 177
Social Stability Working Group - Lebanon 191
Task Force on Support to Host Communities - Lebanon 40
Urban Coordination - Jordan 27
Vulnerability Assessment Framework (VAF) - Jordan 50
WASH Working Group - Jordan 214
WASH Working Group Iraq 40
Winterisation and NFI's WG Iraq 1
Winterization Task Force - Jordan 51
Youth Task Force (Zaatari Camp) 52
[Health/Protection] Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Sub Working Group - Jordan 73
[Health] Nutrition Sub Working Group - Jordan 61
[Health] Reproductive Health Sub Working Group - Jordan 59
[Protection] Child Protection Sub Working Group - Jordan 179
[Protection] SGBV Sub Working Group - Jordan 150
Arabic 369
English 10007
French 9