Yemen Crisis
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Italy Country Update - November 2016
6 January 2017

Italy Sea Arrivals Dashboard - November 2016
6 January 2017

UNHCR Serbia Update 26 Dec 2016 - 1 Jan 2017
5 January 2017

Northern Greece FactSheet 01-30 November 2016
5 January 2017

Accommodation - Relocation Update as of 3 January 2017
3 January 2017

Weekly Report- Europe
3 January 2017

Accommodation - Relocation Update as of 31 December 2016
31 December 2016

Refugee and Migrant Children in Greece as of 31 December 2016 - UNICEF
31 December 2016

Regional Refugee and Migrant Response Plan for Europe (January to December 2017)
29 December 2016

UNHCR Serbia Update 22-25 Dec 2016
28 December 2016

UNHCR Turkey Thematic Update CBI Winter Assistance
28 December 2016

Mini Lexicon for Basic Communication for Refugees and Migrants (booklet) - Arabic-Greek/English
28 December 2016

Mini Lexicon for Basic Communication for Service Providers (A4) - Greek/English-Arabic
28 December 2016

Mini Lexicon for Basic Communication for Refugees and Migrants (booklet) - Sorani-Greek/English
28 December 2016

Mini Lexicon for Basic Communication for Service Providers (A4) - Greek/English-Sorani
28 December 2016

Mini Lexicon for Basic Communication for Refugees and Migrants (booklet) - Farsi-Greek/English
28 December 2016

Mini Lexicon for Basic Communication for Service Providers (A4) - Greek/English-Farsi
28 December 2016

Mini Lexicon for Basic Communication for Refugees and Migrants (booklet) - Urdu-Greek/English
28 December 2016


Austria 37
Croatia 86
Daily Arrivals 434
Germany 1
Greece 1389
Hungary 4
Italy 101
Malta 5
Regional 361
Serbia (and Kosovo: S/RES/1244(1999)) 241
Slovenia 73
Spain 9
The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 135
Turkey 66
Athens 104
Attica 5
Central Greece 5
Central Macedonia 6
Chios 73
Eastern Macedonia and Thrace 2
Epirus 2
Gevgelija 14
Italy 30
Kos 4
Leros 11
Lesbos 100
Northern Greece 26
Samos 28
Skopje 16
Western Macedonia 1
Italy 26
Victoria Square 8
Document Categories
Assessments 27
Communication with Communities 139
Dashboard & Factsheet 108
Data & Statistics 579
Funding 25
Guidance 109
Maps 160
Meeting Minutes 218
Operations Cell 97
Population Profiling 11
Regional Response Plans 7
Reports 135
Reports and Policy Papers 40
Situation Updates 250
Terms of Reference (TOR) 15
Training Materials 1
Who What Where 61
Agriculture 1
Camp Management 34
Cash Assistance 30
Child Protection 44
Community Services 9
Coordination 356
Core Relief Items (CRIs) 39
Education 33
Food Security 13
Gender-Based Violence 2
Health 40
Information Management 516
Mental Health and Psychosocial Support 5
Nutrition 1
Protection 208
Registration 38
Shelter 72
Telecom 1
Water & Sanitation 52
APOSTOLI / International Orthodox Christian Charities (Apostoli/ IOCC) 1
Catholic Relief Services (CRS) (CRS) 2
Diotima (Diotima) 1
Danish Refugee Council- Greece (DRC) 2
Greek Asylum Service (Greek Asylum Service) 1
Humanitarian Support Agency (HSA) (HSA) 1
International Medical Corps (IMC) 1
International Organization for Migration (IOM) 4
Internation Rescue Committee (IRC) 1
International Rescue Committee (IRC ) 3
Lighthouse relief (Lighthouse relief) 1
MapAction (MapAction) 1
Médecins du Monde (MdM) 1
METAction - METAdrasi / Greece (METAction - METAdrasi) 12
Ministry of Education- Greece (MOE) 2
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) 1
Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) 1
NetHope (NetHope) 13
Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) 2
OXFAM International (OXFAM) 2
OXFAM International (OXFAM) 1
Save the Children (Save the Children) 5
Solidarity Now (Solidarity Now) 1
Solidarity Now (Solidarity Now) 1
(UN Women) 1
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) 2
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR - Greece) 1206
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR - Italy) 37
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR - MENA bureau) 1
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR - Spain) 2
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR -Africa bureau) 1
(UNHCR Austria) 1
(UNHCR Croatia) 11
UNHCR Europe (UNHCR Europe Bureau) 402
UNHCR former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (UNHCR fYR Macedonia) 47
(UNHCR Hungary) 1
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees - Malta (UNHCR Malta) 5
(UNHCR Serbia) 28
(UNHCR Slovenia) 5
UNHCR Special Mediterranean Initiative (UNHCR SMI) 85
UNHCR Turkey (UNHCR-Turkey) 64
Women's Refugee Commission (WRC) 1
Working Groups
Chios [Protection] Child Protection Working Group 4
Cash Working Group (CWG) 57
Communications with Communities Working Group (CWC) 256
Education Sector Working Group(ESWG) 32
Food Security Working Group (FSWG) 18
Health and Nutrition WG 34
Inter-Agency Coordination Forum 120
Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Working Group (MHPSS WG) 7
NFI Working Group 57
North Health and Nutrition WG 7
Protection Working Group (PWG) 36
Shelter and WASH Working Group 90
Site Management Support Sector Working Group (SMS SWG) 59
[Protection] Child Protection Sub Working Group (CPWG) 32
Arabic 25
English 1874
French 11
Greek 27
Italian 1
Other 21
Spanish 1