Yemen Crisis
Inter-agency information sharing portal
Inter-agency information sharing portal

   آخر الوثائق

  أبرز العناوين

6,800 people rescued off the coasts of Libya in 54 different SAR events between 29 and 30 August.
30 Aug 2016
How media framed Mediterranean tragedies: an analysis:
30 Aug 2016
843 persons relocated from Italy as of 11 July. What is the relocation programme? How does it work? Read more here:
29 Jul 2016
18/04 shipwreck last year left at least 675 people dead, talian navy said as it concluded operations to recover the corpses
14 Jul 2016
UASCs arriving from January to June 2016 rose to 10,524 compared to 4.410 during the same period in 2015
01 Jul 2016

  أزمة اللاجئين السوريين في الإعلام

Syrian refugees revive Italian village of Camini
Al Jazeera, 30 Aug 2016
Hollowed out by emigration and lack of opportunities,Camini undergoes revival thanks to an influx of refugees....
إقرأ المزيد
How media framed Mediterranean tragedies: an analysis
UNHCR/Carta di Roma, 30 Aug 2016
How media framed Mediterranean tragedies: an analysis...
إقرأ المزيد
Relocation: il programma per la redistribuzione di richiedenti asilo stenta a decollare
UNHCR, Carta di Roma, 29 Jul 2016
Il programma, divenuto operativo nel settembre 2015, procede con lentezza. I posti a disposizione per i ricollocamenti dall’Italia sono solo il 7% del totale richiesto In base agli impegni assunti dall’Unione Europea nell’estate 2015, 160mila persone dovranno essere ricollocate da Italia, G...
إقرأ المزيد
Finding home in Tiglieto
UNHCR Italy, 21 Jul 2016
Glitter and Faith, a refugee couple, are part of an integration project ran by local association "Consorzio Agora", in Tiglieto, near Genova. Local community welcomed them as if they were always part of the town. See more about their story....
إقرأ المزيد
Slovenian centre provides warm welcome after escape ordeal
UNHCR, 14 Jun 2016
I have to pinch myself because I think I’m dreaming,” says pharmacist Mazen Al-Khatib Al-Masri, whose family is finally safe in Slovenia after fleeing the dangers of Damascus. He still remembers landing on an uninhabited Greek island and living “like Robinson Crusoe”. “There were just the...
إقرأ المزيد
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