Yemen Crisis
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  أبرز العناوين

UNHCR urges leaders in Central Europe to show greater solidarity with refugees who seek sanctuary as war and extremism force millions out of their homes
11 Feb 2016
Preliminary deaths from hypothermia highlight risks that desperate people are forced to take in the absence of legal avenues to seek safety in Europe. (UNHCR)
28 Jan 2016
Along the Western Balkans route, UNHCR and partners provide winterized accommodation, food, warm clothes, blankets, and medical assistance. (UNHCR)
21 Jan 2016
UNHCR ensures that families with children are accommodated in heated tents as soon as possible and that those with health problems access medical care. (UNHCR)
21 Jan 2016
A healthy Syrian boy was born on 4 Nov in Slavonski Brod hospital on the day his family arrived in the Winter Transit Center. They left on 7 Nov. (UNHCR)
04 Nov 2015

  أزمة اللاجئين السوريين في الإعلام

UNHCR urges Central European leaders to show solidarity with refugees ahead of the V4 Summit
UNHCR, 11 Feb 2016
UNHCR Press Release Budapest, 11 February 2016 UNHCR urges Central European leaders to show solidarity with refugees ahead of the V4 Summit The UN Refugee Agency is urging leaders in Central Europe to show greater solidarity with desperate refugees who seek sanctuary in the continent as war...
إقرأ المزيد
Hungary urged to refrain from policies and practices that promote intolerance and hatred
UNHCR, Council of Europe and OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, 21 Dec 2015
UNHCR – the UN Refugee Agency, the Council of Europe and ODHIR – the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights have urged Hungary to refrain from policies and practices that promote intolerance, fear and fuel xenophobia against refugees and migrants. The Organizations have joined vo...
إقرأ المزيد
A healthy Syrian boy was born on 4 Nov in Slavonski Brod hospital on the same day when his family arrived in the Winter Transit Center.
Radio Osijek, 04 Nov 2015 ...
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Meeting on the Western Balkans Migration Route: Leaders Agree on 17-point plan of action
European Commission, 25 Oct 2015
Meeting on the Western Balkans Migration Route: Leaders Agree on 17-point plan of action Brussels, 25 October 2015 Meeting on the Western Balkans Migration Route: Leaders Agree on 17-point plan of action The past weeks have shown that the challenges currently faced along the Western Balkans m...
إقرأ المزيد
Leaders' Meeting Western Balkans Route - Joint press conference: Opening remarks by António Guterres, UN High Commissioner for Refugees
European Commission, 25 Oct 2015
Joint press conference: Opening remarks by António Guterres, UN High Commissioner for Refugees: ...
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