Operation: Lebanon
Latest update of camps and office locations 21 Nov 2016. By clicking on the icons on the map, additional information is displayed.
Key Figures
2017 planning figures | |
170,000 | refugee households will receive winterization support, primarily through cash grants |
100,800 | emergency and life-saving hospital referrals for refugees |
50,000 | Syrian refugee children will be enrolled in primary education |
4,775 | resettlement registration forms (RRFs) will be submitted on behalf of refugees of all nationalities |
85% | of Syrian refugees will have access to legal assistance, including birth registration |
2015 end-year results | |
70% | of refugee households received cash and vouchers in the winter months |
60,000 | people were supported with life-saving hospitalizations, including for deliveries |
59,000 | children benefitted from co-financing of their school fees for the 2014-2015 school year |
19,300 | people were submitted for humanitarian admission and resettlement |
Latest Updates and Related Links
People of Concern
Decrease in
2015 | 1,088,231 |
2014 | 1,167,179 |
2013 | 862,526 |

[["Refugees",1070854],["Asylum-seekers",12139],["Others of concern",5238]]
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Budgets and Expenditure for Lebanon
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- 2014
- 2015
- 2016
- 2017
Working environment
Refugees and host communities share the same public services and infrastructure, with services for education, health, water and energy being particularly affected by the increased demand. These challenges are acutely felt in the 251 locations, hosting 87 per cent of refugees, which were already impoverished before the crisis. While the socio-economic situation of refugees in Lebanon has not deteriorated as dramatically in 2016, people of concern to UNHCR still have trouble accessing livelihoods, rendering them extremely vulnerable to external shocks. Preliminary results of the 2016 socio-economic survey of Syrian refugees show that some 70 per cent of the 248,000 Syrian refugee households in Lebanon live below the poverty line. Falling deeper into debt exposes people to a greater risk of exploitation.Furthermore, most Syrian refugees born in Lebanon since the beginning of the conflict do not possess an official birth certificate. They have also face difficulties in accessing territory and obtaining residency permits. Registration of Syrian refugees remains suspended since May 2015. At present, resettlement remains the only durable solution available.
Key priorities
UNHCR will continue to respond to basic and life-saving needs, including during winter, as well as support public institutions providing services to refugees and host communities alike. UNHCR will also continue to support the Government to fulfill its commitments to ease regulatory frameworks governing refugees’ residency and access to livelihood opportunities. Together with its partners, UNHCR will work with both refugees and host communities to empower them to address their protection challenges, while pursuing resettlement and other forms of humanitarian admission.In the event of funding shortfalls, UNHCR will only be able to provide cash assistance for six months for 30,000 households, and approximately 5,000 life-saving hospitalizations per month cannot be covered.