Operation: Niger
Latest update of camps and office locations 21 Nov 2016. By clicking on the icons on the map, additional information is displayed.
Key Figures
2017 planning figures | |
200,000 | individuals in the Diffa region will be reached through a census and registration in order to provide assistance and protection as well as address the risk of statelessness |
10,000 | households, as part of an extension to Diffa and Mangaize camp, will use gas as an alternative energy source |
3,000 | social land plots will be distributed to vulnerable Nigerian and Malian refugees and host households as part of an urbanization project |
70 | small projects will be carried out, including for poultry, other livestock, milk processing, industry support and gardening, to improve the self-reliance of Malian and Nigerian refugees and internally displaced people (IDPs) |
2015 end-year results | |
75% | of health consultations for Malian refugees were carried out in public health centres |
6,000 | Malian refugee children attended school |
2,500 | IDP households received cooking gas to help reduce the number of incidents of sexual and gender-based violence that took place during firewood collection |
8,000 | Nigerian refugee households benefited from shelter support and received non-food items |
100% | of newly arrived Malian refugees were biometrically registered |
Latest Updates and Related Links
People of Concern
Increase in
2015 | 332,164 |
2014 | 147,936 |
2013 | 92,911 |

[["Refugees",124721],["Asylum-seekers",106],["IDPs",137337],["Others of concern",70000]]
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Budgets and Expenditure for Niger
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- 2014
- 2015
- 2016
- 2017
Working environment
The protection environment in Niger is favorable, with UNHCR and authorities of Niger having developed a constructive working relationship in the search for solutions to displacement.Malian refugees are gradually being included in national structures for the provision of basic services. A pilot urbanization project that enables refugees to settle outside of camps is ongoing.
In the Diffa region, the government authorities are playing a central coordination role. They are also supporting an urbanization programme to allow refugees to gain access to land.
Regarding mixed migration, the authorities of Niger are also engaged in improving the legal framework for asylum.
Key priorities
In 2017, UNHCR's operation in Niger will focus on:• working towards “responsible disengagement” in response to the Mali situation, and transforming camps into sustainable settlements. This approach will be coupled with an effort to replace in-kind assistance with cash-based interventions and targeted assistance;
• in the Diffa situation, ensuring efficient protection monitoring, strengthening the capacity of the authorities, and reinforcing long-term interventions, through the provision of gas as well as through urbanization;
• with respect to mixed migration, ensuring that persons in need of international protection are identified and given adequate access to asylum mechanisms in Niger.
A shortfall in funding would hinder self-reliance among refugees and would preclude the inclusion of Malian refugees in local structures. Also, due to the increasing number of people in the camps, access to water will be limited, and construction undertaken as part of the urbanization project will be hampered.