The aim of Olympic Solidarity is to organise assistance for all the National Olympic Committees (NOCs), particularly those with the greatest needs, through multi-faceted programmes prioritising athlete development, training of coaches and sports administrators, and promoting the Olympic ideals (Olympic Charter, rule 5).
Today’s resources
The development and assistance budget approved by the Olympic Solidary Commission for the 2013-2016 quadrennial plan amounts to USD 439,870,000, corresponding to the share of the broadcast rights from the Olympic Games (London and Sochi) which belongs to the NOCs. Olympic Solidarity redistributes these funds through programmes offered to all NOCs recognised by the IOC.
Olympic Solidarity was created more than 50 years ago in order to assist newly independent countries, particularly in Asia and Africa, to develop their own structures to favour the expansion of sport at national level.
Role and responsibilities
The Olympic Solidarity Commission is responsible for defining the main course of action and managing the activities of the Olympic Solidarity international office in Lausanne. This office takes care of all operational aspects of the implementation of the programmes and cooperates with five continental offices within the continental associations, as well as with the Association of National Olympic Committees (ANOC).