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The World Programmes cover the four areas of sports development that are considered essential for NOCs to accomplish the mission that has been entrusted to them by the Olympic Charter.

17 World Programmes, 4 areas of action

Olympic Solidarity works closely with the International Federations (IFs) whose sports are on the Olympic programme, the IOC Commissions and several other Olympic Movement partners in order to develop and offer high-quality programmes to all NOCs, particularly those with the greatest needs.

For the 2013-2016 quadrennial period, the World Programmes are aimed primarily at increasing global assistance to athletes, reinforcing NOC structure and global management capacities, continuing to support coach education and development, and promoting the Olympic values.

Olympic Scholarships for Athletes “Sochi 2014”
Olympic Scholarships for Athletes “Rio 2016”
Team Support Grant
Continental Athlete Support Grant
Youth Olympic Games – Athlete Support

Technical Courses for Coaches
Olympic Scholarships for Coaches
Development of National Sports Structure

NOC Management
NOC Administration Development
National Training Courses for Sports Administrators
International Executive Training Courses in Sports Management NOC Exchanges

Promotion of Olympic Values
Sports Medicine
Environmental Sustainability in Sport
Women and Sport
Sport for All
Olympic Education, Culture and Legacy

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The athletes are at the heart of the Olympic Movement and represent the final link of the Olympic Solidarity chain. It is thus crucial that the support they receive be adapted to their needs and follows their progress.

Active support at all levels

The Athlete programmes are structured in such a way as to offer the NOCs the opportunity to support their athletes according to their age and level as well as to the type of competitions for which they are preparing. Olympic Solidarity gives the NOCs technical and financial assistance that meets their needs more closely while respecting their athletes’ different stages of development.

Three levels of support

The Olympic Scholarships for Athletes exclusively target elite athletes taking part in international level competitions, and offer NOCs a high level of flexibility: while for some NOCs, the objective is qualification for the Games, for others, it is to win an Olympic medal. All NOCs also have the opportunity to help an elite level team qualify and prepare for the Olympic Games or the Continental Games through the Team Support Grant programme.

Graph Athletes IOC

Continental and Regional Games represent a great opportunity for many NOCs to witness their athletes and teams winning medals. Participation in these Games is a key factor in reaching the highest level. By investing in these athletes at intermediate level, Olympic Solidarity fills the gap between the youth and elite levels.

The Youth Olympic Games represent an important step in the development process of tomorrow’s champions. The NOCs are involved from the very start thanks to the programmes available, which focus on the identification, qualification and preparation of their young athletes.

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Coaches occupy a central role in an athlete’s career and, these days, they carry out a variety of functions, from acting as teacher, trainer, mentor to psychologist or agent, for different groups (athletes, teams, children, teenagers or adults) at different levels (from beginner to elite athlete).

A key role in sports development

It is vital that coaches themselves are able to benefit from continuous high-quality training. This is the purpose of the Coaches’ Programmes, which are designed to offer NOCs everything they need to improve their coaches’ knowledge and enable them to respond to the latest athlete training requirements, whether at beginner or international level.

Graph Coaches IOC

Olympic Solidarity encourages the NOCs and IFs to refer to training standards and use common terminology for coaches’ training, while adapting them to the specificities of the sport and country concerned. It also invites the NOCs to submit female candidatures and reflect on how links can be forged between the three different coaches’ programmes with a view to strengthening coach education throughout the world in a global and long-term manner.

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Reinforcing NOC structures and global management capacities is a priority so that the NOCs are able to fulfil their mission in the best possible way and carry out their tasks for the development of sport in their country.

Manage, train, exchange: the keys to success

These priorities are achieved through NOC management programmes offering financial assistance and support for projects aimed at strengthening management. The programmes also offer several training opportunities for sports administrators, and facilitate exchanges of information and experiences between NOCs.

Graph NOC Management IOC

Each year, the NOCs are eligible to receive an administrative subsidy to assist them with covering their running costs, and can submit projects aimed at improving various aspects of their management. Educational opportunities are also available to the members and staff of NOCs and their affiliates, such as: Sport Administrators Courses, Advanced Sport Management Courses and scholarships for the Executive Masters in Sports Organisation Management (MEMOS). Moreover, NOC Exchanges enable NOCs to learn from each other in order to find practical and tested solutions to the challenges they all face in their daily operations.

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The educational aspect of Olympism and the Olympic values are the foundation of the unique character of the Olympic Movement. Sport thus represents a powerful tool and has the potential to play a fundamental role within society at large, particularly with respect to the younger generations.

Sport, a universal channel for social action

The promotion of Olympic values programmes cover fields as diverse as the protection of athletes’ health, environmental sustainability, gender equality, widening sports practice and lifelong Olympic education, as well as preserving heritage, in line with IOC policies on the subject. The NOCs are therefore able to play a key role within their respective communities in spreading this knowledge and can choose whether to focus their efforts on one or more areas, in accordance with their strategy, structure and needs.

Commitment values IOC

The promotion of Olympic values programmes cover fields as diverse as the protection of athletes’ health, environmental sustainability, gender equality, widening sports practice and lifelong Olympic education, as well as preserving heritage, in line with IOC policies on the subject. The NOCs are therefore able to play a key role within their respective communities in spreading this knowledge and can choose whether to focus their efforts on one or more areas, in accordance with their strategy, structure and needs.

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