ACORD | Agency for Cooperation and Research in Development (ACORD) -
ADRA | Adventist Development and Relief Agency -
AIRD | African Initiatives for Relief and Development -
AIRD | African Initiative for Relief and Development (AIRD) -
ARC | American Refugee Committee (ARC) -
DRC | Danish Refugee Council (DRC) -
FRC | Finnish Refugee Council (FRC) -
HelpAge Intl | HelpAge international
HelpAge International is a not-for-profit global network of organizations that works to assist older people to lead active, dignified, healthy and secure lives. We deploy our energies to combat poverty, exclusion and discrimination in older age, now and in the future. HelpAge has over 30 years of experience in complex emergencies while at the same time engages in recovery and development programmes in stable situations. Headquartered in London, the HelpAge network consists of over 200 affiliates and 300 partners across more than 50 countries. In humanitarian contexts, HelpAge plays a critical role by ensuring humanitarian actors understand the needs and contributions of older persons, and provide them with age-friendly services commensurate with their own and the needs of their immediate family members. Our work also involves ensuring older people are included in leadership positions within the various committees that are established to ensure their voices are heard in view of the core humanitarian principles of working with vulnerable groups, including the older persons. HelpAge’s presence in Tanzania dates back to 1993. Since then, HelpAge has been implementing programmes in mainland Tanzania and the Island of Zanzibar working with various arms of the Government and organisations of older persons addressing health, income security, HIV and AIDS, and promoting the rights of older people and preventing violence, abuse and neglect. HelpAge’s experience with refugee operations in Tanzania dates back to 1994 where it worked with the Rwandese Refugees in Kagera region and subsequently with refugees from DRC in Rugufu Camp in Kigoma supporting Community Services. Since the influx of the refugees from Burundi started a couple of months ago, HelpAge has been active on the ground to ensure that older men and women are visible by highlighting the needs of older people and advocating for inclusive humanitarian responses with the wider humanitarian actors. Through a rapid and in-depth assessment, HelpAge has been able to unearth commendable gaps in the response and has thus, brought the issues of older persons to the response agenda with actors on the ground. Besides, older men and women, 50 years plus and their immediate family members have been assessed to determine their level of vulnerability and will be supported with life-saving core relief items, including disability assistive devices. Our core mandate is to ensure older men and women receive appropriate support during emergencies such as this and their contributions are recognized and are included in decision making structures. -
HIJRA | Humanitarian Initiative Just Relief Aid (HIJRA) -
IOM | International Organization for Migration -
IOM | International Organization for Migration (IOM) -
IRC | International Rescue Committee
The International Rescue Committee helps people whose lives and livelihoods are shattered by conflict and disaster to survive, recover, and gain control of their future. IRC teams provide Protection intervention, health care, infrastructure, learning and economic support to people in 40 countries, with special programs designed for women and children. -
LWF | Lutheran World Federation (LWF) -
MSF - OCB | Medicins Sans Frontier - Belgium -
MSF - CH | Medicins sans frontier - Swiss -
OXFAM | OXFAM - Tanzania -
SCI | Save the Children International -
TRCS | Tanzanian Red Cross Society -
Uganda Gov.(OPM) | Uganda Government(OPM) -
UNFPA | United Nations Populations Fund -
UNFPA | United Nation Population Fund (UNFPA) -
UNHCR | UNHCR Regional -
UNHCR | UNHCR Tanzania -
UNHCR | United Nation High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) -
UNICEF | United Nations Children's Fund -
UNICEF | United Nation International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF)