Iraq Operational Update 1-10 August 2014

12 August 2014

Following heavy fighting in the Sinjar area of Ninewa Governate, nearly 200,000 people have been forced from their homes and are in urgent need of life-saving assistance.  Thousands have fled to the Dohuk governorate of the Kurdistan Region, with many dehydrated and suffering sun or heat stroke as the daily temperatures reach 40 to 45 degrees Celsius.

Over 20,000 people are still trapped on Sinjar mountain, with limited access to food or water following air drops on 8 August.

Significant secondary displacement is taking place throughout northern Iraq, including Kurdistan, due to further insecurity. In addition to the current IDP crisis, the government of Kurdistan is also hosting 230,000 Syrian refugees.

From 1-10 August, UNHCR has provided core relief items and shelter to 5,000 displaced families (30,000 individuals) arriving to the Kurdistan Region of Iraq from the Sinjar mountain area in Ninewa and to families arriving in Erbil from the outskirts of Mosul.

UNHCR has also reached over 166,000 people through protection monitoring and rapid needs assessments across affected areas in Iraq.

For a full update on the current situation, please click here


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