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12 Oct 2014
Tokyo 2020 , IOC News

Tokyo 2020 holds first Advisory Meeting

The Tokyo 2020 Advisory Meeting has met for the first time, as preparations for the 2020 Olympic Games continue to gather pace.

The meeting took place on the 50th anniversary of the Tokyo 1964 Olympic Games and was attended by Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Tokyo 2020 President Yoshiro Mori. Other members of the Advisory Meeting included 175 of Japan's leading figures from sport, politics, business and the arts.

In a video message, John Coates, IOC Vice President and Chairman of the Tokyo 2020 Coordination Commission, told the Tokyo 2020 Advisors: “Fifty years ago today, the first Olympic Games to be held in Asia opened in Tokyo. Japan had extended an invitation to the world’s best athletes to come and compete. That invitation was accepted and both the athletes and Japan benefitted greatly from Tokyo 1964.”

He continued: “The athletes gave their very best, won medals, broke records and inspired a generation of young people to take up sports, while Japan re-emerged onto the global stage, showing its organisational abilities, its welcoming face, and left a legacy from those Games that has served the people of Tokyo for five decades. I hope that in 2070 the next generation will be able to celebrate the achievements and legacy of the Tokyo 2020 Games, as much as we have been able to do with the Games in 1964.”

The Tokyo 2020 Organising Committee used the 50th anniversary of the 1964 Games to present a refined outline of its vision for the 2020 Games.

Entitled “Sport has the power to change the world and the future. Japan changed in 1964. Let’s inspire the world in 2020,” it is based on three main pillars: ‘Let everyone achieve his/her best’; ‘Let everyone accept each other as they are’; and ‘Let us pass it on to the future’.

The finalised vision for the Tokyo 2020 Games will be laid out in the Games Foundation Plan, which will be submitted to the IOC in February 2015.

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