Friends of Waldorf Education () |
41 |
REACH-Initiative Lebanon ( REACH-Initiative) |
50 |
ABAAD-Resource Center for Gender Equality (ABAAD Lebanon) |
2 |
Action Contrela Faim (ACF) |
1 |
Action contre la faim (ACF Lebanon) |
5 |
Arab Council for Supporting Fair Trials and Human Rights Egypt (ACSFT Egypt) |
1 |
Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development (ACTED ) |
1 |
ALEF - Act for Human Rights (ALEF - Lebanon) |
1 |
AMEL Lebanon (AMEL Lebanon) |
5 |
ARDD-Legal Aid Jordan (ARDD-LA - Jordan) |
2 |
AVSI Foundation (AVSI Jordan) |
2 |
AVSI (AVSI Lebanon) |
4 |
CARE International Jordan (CARE Jordan) |
7 |
CARE Lebanon (CARE Lebanon) |
1 |
10 |
CARITAS Jordan (CARITAS Jordan) |
4 |
Cooperative Housing Foundation International (CHF Jordan) |
2 |
Caritas Lebanon Migrant Center (CLMC Lebanon ) |
2 |
Catholic Relief Services Egypt (CRS Egypt) |
8 |
Catholic Relief Services Lebanon (CRS Lebanon) |
1 |
Center for victims of torture (CVT Jordan) |
1 |
Danish Refugee Council (DRC) |
2 |
Danish Refugee Council (DRC Iraq) |
3 |
Danish Refugee Council - Lebanon (DRC Lebanon) |
12 |
Danish Refugee Council - Jordan (DRC- Jordan) |
4 |
The Eastern Mediterranean Public Health Network (EMPHNET) |
1 |
European Union (EU) (EU) |
4 |
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) |
2 |
Food and Agriculture Organization Lebanon (FAO-Lebanon) |
37 |
Finn Church Aid (FCA Jordan) |
2 |
Fundacion Promocion Social de la Cultura (FPSC) (FPSC - Jordan) |
1 |
Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (GOJ) |
9 |
HelpAge International (HelpAge) |
4 |
Handicap International Iraq (HI Iraq) |
1 |
Handicap International Jordan (HI Jordan) |
15 |
Handicap International Lebanon (HI Lebanon) |
14 |
Human Relief Foundation (HRF Jordan) |
1 |
International Catholic Migration Commission - Jordan (ICMC Jordan) |
4 |
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent (IFRC Jordan) |
21 |
24 |
Information Management Working Group Lebanon (IM WG - Lebanon) |
15 |
International Medical Corps (IMC) |
2 |
International Medical Corps (IMC Jordan) |
25 |
International Medical Corps (IMC Lebanon) |
11 |
Inter - Agence Lebanon (Inter - Agence Lebanon) |
45 |
International Alert (International Alert) |
9 |
3 |
INTERSOS Lebanon (INTERSOS Lebanon) |
1 |
International Orthodox Christian Charities - Lebanon (IOCC Lebanon) |
2 |
International Organization for Migration- Egypt (IOM) |
3 |
International Organization for Migration - Headquarters (IOM) |
49 |
Inte'l Organisation for Migration (IOM) |
2 |
International Organization for Migration Iraq (IOM Iraq) |
12 |
International Organization for Migration - Jordan (IOM Jordan) |
4 |
International Organization for Migration - Lebanon (IOM Lebanon) |
7 |
International Organization for Migration - Regional Office for the Middle East and North Africa (IOM RO MENA) |
5 |
International Organization for Migration - Turkey (IOM Turkey) |
18 |
International Rescue Committee - Jordan (IRC Jordan) |
8 |
International Rescue Committee - Lebanon (IRC Lebanon) |
8 |
International Relief & Development (IRD) |
4 |
International Relief & Development (IRD Jordan) |
5 |
Islamic Relief Worldwide - Egypt (IRW Egypt) |
2 |
Japan Emergency NGO (JEN) (JEN ) |
1 |
Jordan Health Aid Society (JHAS Jordan) |
2 |
Jordan Hashemite charity organization (JHCO Jordan) |
7 |
Jordan River Foundation (JRF Jordan) |
1 |
KAFA Lebanon (KAFA Lebanon) |
1 |
Mines Advisory Group (MAG) |
2 |
Mercy Corps (MC Jordan) |
2 |
Mercy Corps Lebanon (MC Lebanon) |
4 |
6 |
Medair (Medair Lebanon) |
1 |
Mercy USA Lebanon (Mercy USA Lebanon) |
2 |
Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) |
25 |
Ministry of Education - Jordan (MoE Jordan) |
2 |
Ministry of Health - Jordan (MoH Jordan) |
6 |
Ministry of Labour- Jordan (MoL Jordan) |
1 |
Ministry of Public Health Lebanon (MoPH Lebanon) |
1 |
Ministry of Social Affairs Lebanon (MoSA Lebanon) |
9 |
MPDL (MPDL Lebanon) |
1 |
Norwegian Refugee Council - Iraq (NRC Iraq) |
2 |
Norwegian Refugee Council - Jordan (NRC Jordan) |
22 |
Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC Lebanon) |
6 |
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) |
88 |
Oxfam GB (Oxfam - Jordan) |
12 |
OXFAM Lebanon (OXFAM Lebanon) |
7 |
Psycho-Social Training Institute in Cairo - Egypt (PSTIC Egypt) |
5 |
Premiere Urgence- AIde Medicale Internationale (PU- AMI) |
2 |
Première Urgence - Aide Médicale Internationale (PU-AMI Jordan) |
5 |
Premiere Urgence - Aide Medicale Internationale (PU-AMI Lebanon) |
3 |
Questscope for Social Development in the Middle East (Questscope Jordan) |
1 |
United Nations Resident Coordinator Office - Lebanon (RCO Lebanon) |
3 |
REACH-Initiative Iraq (REACH-Initiative) |
27 |
REACH-Initiative Jordan (REACH-Initiative) |
181 |
Relief International (RI) |
5 |
Save the Children International (SAVE International) |
30 |
Save the Children - Iraq (SAVE Iraq) |
1 |
Save the Children Jordan (SAVE Jordan) |
19 |
Save the Children - Lebanon (SAVE Lebanon) |
7 |
SFCG Lebanon (SFCG Lebanon) |
3 |
Social, Humanitarian, Economical Intervention for Local Development (SHEILD Lebanon) |
1 |
SIREN Associates Jordan (SIREN ) |
2 |
Solidarités International (Solidarités) |
2 |
Tadamon Egypt (Tadamon Egypt) |
3 |
Terre des Hommes Egypt (TDH Egypt) |
3 |
Terre Des Hommes (TdH Jordan) |
4 |
Turkish Red Cross (TRC Turkey) |
3 |
UN Women (UN Women) |
2 |
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) |
64 |
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) |
110 |
United Nations Developement Program Iraq (UNDP Iraq) |
15 |
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO Lebanon) |
1 |
United Nations Population Fund Turkey (UNFPA) |
3 |
United Nations Population Fund - Iraq (UNFPA Iraq) (UNFPA Iraq) |
9 |
United Nations Population Fund - Jordan (UNFPA Jordan) |
66 |
United Nations Population Fund Lebanon (UNFPA Lebanon) |
9 |
1 |
6 |
United Nations High Commissioner For Refugees Iraq (UNHCR) |
1 |
United Nations High Commissioner For Refugees Egypt (UNHCR Egypt) |
333 |
United Nations High Commissioner For Refugees Iraq (UNHCR Iraq) |
1157 |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees - Jordan (UNHCR Jordan) |
2092 |
United Nations High Commissioner For Refugees Lebanon (UNHCR Lebanon) |
2909 |
United Nations High Commissioner For Refugees, Middle East & North Africa (UNHCR MENA) |
819 |
Regional Refugee Coordinator (UNHCR RRC Hub) |
16 |
United Nations High Commissioner For Refugees Turkey (UNHCR Turkey) |
576 |
United Nations Children's Fund - Jordan (UNICEF - Jordan ) |
124 |
United Nations Children's Fund - Turkey (UNICEF - Turkey) |
12 |
United Nations Children's Fund - Egypt (UNICEF Egypt) |
11 |
United Nations Children's Fund - Iraq (UNICEF Iraq) |
69 |
United Nations Children's Fund - Lebanon (UNICEF Lebanon) |
204 |
United Nations Children's Fund MENA Regional Office Jordan (UNICEF MENA Regional Office Jordan) |
56 |
United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) |
2 |
5 |
United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) |
16 |
UN Women Arab States SRO - Jordan (UNWOMEN Jordan) |
2 |
Un Ponte Per (UPP) |
2 |
Un Ponte Per- Iraq (UPP Iraq) |
6 |
War Child UK (War Child UK ) |
1 |
WarChild UK (WarChild UK ) |
1 |
War Child Holland - Lebanon (WCH Lebanon) |
2 |
World Food Programme - Regional Office (WFP) |
62 |
World Food Programme - Egypt (WFP Egypt) |
10 |
World Food Programme Iraq (WFP Iraq) |
32 |
World Food Programme - Jordan (WFP Jordan) |
52 |
World Food Programme Lebanon (WFP Lebanon) |
113 |
World Food Programme - Turkey (WFP Turkey) |
8 |
World Health Organization - IRAQ (WHO Iraq) |
31 |
World Health Organization (WHO Jordan) |
28 |
World Health Organization (WHO Lebanon) |
22 |
World Health Organisation (WHO Turkey) |
5 |
World Bank (World Bank) |
1 |
Women's Refugee Commission (WRC) |
2 |
World Vision International (WVI) |
1 |
World Vision International (WVI Lebanon) |
6 |