Sahel Operation
Information Sharing Portal
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Malian refugees


Last Updated 31 Aug 2016
Source - UNHCR

Internally displaced persons in Mali


Last Updated 30 Jun 2016
Source - Gouvernement du Mali, MSAHRN (Rapport DTM)

Nigerian refugees


Last Updated 16 Sep 2016
Source - UNHCR

Internally displaced persons in Nigeria


Last Updated 31 Aug 2016

   Latest Documents


Nigeria: Risk of Man-made Famine Threatens Millions
International Rescue Committee , 15 Sep 2016
Maiduguri, September 15, 2016 — The Northeast of Nigeria is teetering on the brink of famine as 5 million people are in urgent need of food assistance, the International Rescue Committee (IRC) said today. All actors, including the international community, the Nigerian government, and the UN should...
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How Boko Haram Is Keeping Polio Alive In Nigeria
NPR, 14 Sep 2016
Nigeria has to get rid of polio — again. Last year, the World Health Organization declared the country to be "polio-free." That milestone meant the disease was gone from the entire continent of Africa, a major triumph in the multibillion-dollar global effort to eradicate the disease. But tha...
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Nigerians facing desperate hunger accuse officials of stealing food
The Guardian, 13 Sep 2016
People fleeing Boko Haram protest over ‘starvation’ in camps amid claims of officials diverting rations, as UN warns the country is on the brink of famine Nigerian officials have been accused of stealing food from desperate people who are living in camps after fleeing the terrorist group Boko...
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Nigerian refugees in Niger struggle for food and water
Aljazeera, 12 Sep 2016
Despite recent gains against the Boko Haram in Nigeria, many of those who fled the group are still struggling. Thousands of Nigerian refugees in neighbouring countries such as Niger have been struggling for resources since fleeing attacks by the Boko Haram group. The Nigerian army has taken ba...
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Niger: deux morts dans l’attaque contre un camp de réfugiés maliens, 11 Sep 2016
Au Niger, une attaque a visé, dans la nuit du samedi 10 au dimanche 11 septembre le camp de réfugiés de Tabarey Barey. Le site, situé à la frontière avec le Mali, abrite des milliers de réfugiés maliens ayant fui leur pays au plus fort de la crise dans le nord du Mali. Au moins deux civils o...
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