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School Visits

Why should you come to The Olympic Museum with your class?

  • Because the Olympic Games speak to young people:
    The Olympic Games speak to your pupils, whether they are athletes or spectators.
    The Olympic Games concern them because they reflect society’s concerns.
  • Because TOM - The Olympic Museum is a stimulating and dynamic place:
    Interactive and multimedia museography makes the visit a participative experience.
    A team of motivated activity leaders (TOM Coaches) and convivial educational areas are available to school classes.
  • Because the TOM Schools package is complementary to the school curriculum:
    The experiences on offer promote a cross-sector approach.
    They bring out each person’s competences.

How to visit

There are four possibilities for visiting The Museum with your class:

  • Visit with a coach: discover an exhibition with an activity leader. Duration: 1½ hours. Reservation required.
  • Visit with a coach + workshop: with an activity leader, discover an exhibition and take part in activities in the Gym’ or the Studio (TOM’s educational areas). Duration: Two 45-minute parts. Reservation required.
  • Unaccompanied visit with tablet: tablet given, at no cost, to the teacher at the Museum welcome desk. The application contains different visits, depending on the age of the pupils. Reservation required.
  • Unaccompanied visit: access to all the exhibition areas, except the educational areas. No reservation required.

What is the TOM package?

A choice of themes to satisfy every teacher:

Temporary exhibitions Destination Rio
Relevant educational
When from 1.3 to 13.5 and from 04.07 to 23.09.2016
Age 9+
With coach Visit + workshop
With tablet Yes
Temporary exhibitions A Stadium in the City
Relevant educational
When from 25.10.2016 to 05.05.2017
Age 6+
With coach Visit + workshop
With tablet Yes
Permanent exhibitions How well do you know the Olympic Games?
Relevant educational
When Reservations possible as from 15 August 2016
Age 6+
With coach Visit
With tablet Yes
Permanent exhibitions Destination Olympia
Relevant educational
When Reservations possible as from 15 August 2016
Age 6+
With coach Visit + workshop
With tablet Yes
Permanent exhibitions All different, All winners
Relevant educational
When Reservations possible as from 15 August 2016
Age 9+
With coach Visit + workshop
With tablet No

Where does the TOM School experience take place?

  • The visit part takes place in the permanent or temporary exhibition.

    N.B.: The exhibitions have a lot of content, and offer films and interactive activities that young people really enjoy. Think about leaving some free time for them.
  • The workshops are held in the educational areas:
    • The Gym’ advocates a sensorial approach. Activity modules invite visitors to touch and test in a bright and colourful environment.
    • The Studio recalls the atmosphere of a television set. The activities that take place there are linked to the interpretation and construction of the sports image (films or photos) of the Olympic Games.

Further information

Information and reservation:


Welcome for teachers on the first Wednesday of every month.
Personalised welcome by a TOM coach from 4.30 to 6 p.m.

  • Better understand the content of each offer
  • Ask questions
  • Visit the educational areas
  • Discover the exhibitions (ticket given to the teacher)

No registration required


“I also want to tell you that I really appreciated the welcome I was given during my visit by the TOM Coach responsible for the Gym’ at the entrance, and the welcome desk staff, who gave me a free ticket for teachers preparing work on the Olympic Games. Thank you for this welcome!” Anne Debailleul-Hostaux, teacher

Do you want to get involved?

To keep in touch with the constraints of the school world and the challenges and trends in education, the Museum is creating a pool of reference teachers. They are required to attend two annual meetings and to respond to periodic electronic consultations. In exchange, The Museum offers exclusive advantages to you and your class.

Find out more: