Opération Sahel
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Portail de partage de l'Information

Nigeria Situation

name1 name2
35,200 Individuals
Réfugiés nigerians
Base Layer


Réfugiés nigerians


Date de mise à jour 17 Jun 2016
Source - UNHCR

Personnes Déplacées au Nigeria


Date de mise à jour 09 May 2016

  Réfugiés nigerians

Population estimée




Date de mise à jour 12 May 2016




Date de mise à jour 17 Jun 2016




Date de mise à jour 31 May 2016


  Financement requis 2016

Total Appeal $198,764,278
Received to Date $30,684,355
Gap $168,079,923
Coverage 15%
Date de mise à jour 06 May 2016

  En Bref

Boko Haram reported to have set up a radio station in the North of Cameroon on 98.6 FM (Voice of America Hausa service)
16 Jun 2016
Food aid to double in Niger after fresh Boko Haram attacks (WFP). Boko Haram earlier this month seized the town of Bosso in Niger's Diffa.
14 Jun 2016
Attack by Boko Haram on the market of Kablewa village last night. The village has approx. 40,000 inhabitants and the nearby IDP camp houses 10,000 (UNHCR)
09 Jun 2016
Chad sends 2,000 troops to Niger for counterattack on Boko Haram which has increased attacks in Niger's south-east region since the weekend (Reuters)
08 Jun 2016
Niger: 50,000 people flee Boko Haram attacks on the town of Bosso, in the south-east Diffa region. Violence escalated throughout May in and around Bosso (UNHCR)
07 Jun 2016


With 1 human in every 113 affected, forced displacement hits record high
UNHCR, 20 Jun 2016
A UNHCR report reveals that 65.3 million people were displaced as of the end of 2015, compared to 59.5 million just twelve months earlier Conflict and persecution caused global forced displacement to escalate sharply in 2015 reaching the highest level ever recorded and representing immense human ...
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Un être humain sur 113 est déraciné ; le déplacement forcé atteint un niveau sans précédent
UNHCR, 20 Jun 2016
Un rapport du HCR souligne que 65,3 millions de personnes étaient déracinées à la fin 2015, en comparaison de 59,5 millions seulement douze mois plus tôt Les conflits et la persécution ont causé des déplacements forcés à travers le monde ayant fortement augmenté en 2015 pour atteindre ...
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Value of naira plummets after Nigeria ends dollar peg
DW, 20 Jun 2016
In response to continued low oil prices, the Nigerian Central Bank floated its currency Monday and the naira subsequently lost over a third of its value. Some are praising the move as positive for Nigerians. Following the lead of other oil-producing countries like Venezuela and Angola, Nigeria...
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UNHCR report: Worsening refugee situation in Africa
DW, 20 Jun 2016
The recent refugee crisis in the Arab world and Europe has taken the spotlight off sub-Saharan Africa. But a new report by UNHCR reveals that the situation in Africa in 2015 was also grim. Here is a graphical overview. The latest report from the United Nation's refugee agency (UNHCR), titled "G...
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NSCDC uncovers Boko Haram's 'spiritual book` used to hypnotise victims
Nigerian Tribune, 19 Jun 2016
The Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC), Borno State, on Sunday, said it has uncovered a "spiritual book" suspected to be used by Boko Haram to hypnotise their victims. The state commandant of the NSCDC, Mr Ibrahim Abdullahi, disclosed this in Maiduguri, in an interview with the New...
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