Sahel Operation
Information Sharing Portal
Information Sharing Portal

Mali Situation

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35,200 Individuals
Malian refugees
Base Layer


Malian refugees


Last Updated 31 May 2016
Source - UNHCR
Statistics on this portal related to Malian refugees refer to those in three main asylum countries: Burkina Faso, Mauritania and Niger

Internally displaced persons in Mali


Last Updated 30 Apr 2016
Source - Gouvernement du Mali, MSAHRN (Rapport DTM)

Malian refugee returnees


Last Updated 31 May 2016
Source - UNHCR

  Malian refugees

Drag the sliders to zoom to a specific date range

  Malian refugee returnees

Drag the sliders to zoom to a specific date range

  Voluntary Repatriation Trends

Above graph includes both Refugees who have Spontaneously Departed and also those who have been assisted for voluntary repartriation by UNHCR and partner agencies.

  Malian refugee numbers by country of asylum

Estimated Population




Last Updated 31 May 2016




Last Updated 31 May 2016




Last Updated 31 May 2016

   Latest Documents


Mali: un accord tripartite sur le retour volontaire des réfugiés de Mauritanie
Rfi Afrique, 15 Jun 2016
La Mauritanie, le Mali et le Haut-commissariat aux réfugiés vont signer ce jeudi 16 juin à Nouakchott un accord tripartite pour le rapatriement volontaire des réfugiés maliens dans leur pays. Ce cadre juridique fixe la stratégie globale et les obligations des trois parties pour accompagner le ...
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Mali: Conflict puts over 250,000 orphans at risk
Despite drop in violence, number of children living without a parent keeps rising, especially in camps along the border., 12 Jun 2016
Fighting over the last four years has killed hundreds of people in Mali. There are fewer battles involving government troops, separatists and al-Qaeda fighters but the war is far from over. As a result, more than 250,000 children in Mali are living without a father, mother or both parents, accord...
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Mali : après la mort d’un Casque bleu, l’ONU promet des moyens supplémentaires
JeuneAfrique, 08 Jun 2016
Ce mardi 7 juin, le chef de la Mission de l'ONU au Mali (Minusma), Mahamat Saleh Annadif, a promis de renforcer la sécurité de ses troupes, lors de l'hommage au premier Casque bleu chinois tué dans ce pays il y a une semaine. Le sergent-chef Shen Liangliang a été tué le 31 mai à Gao, au n...
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Syrian refugees find a welcome and some familiar fragility in Mali
The Guardian, 01 Jun 2016
Despite its poverty and security problems, Mali has provided a haven for some fleeing Syria’s civil war Fearful of the Mediterranean crossing and confused by reports of a European refugee lockdown, Syrians are seeking the precarious safety of Mali – which is itself on humanitarian life suppor...
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Feature - Making do in Mali - A long way from home: Syrians in unexpected places
IRIN, 31 May 2016
The last year witnessed a small but growing trend of Syrians taking the long way round to Europe via Mauritania, and then overland to the north African coast. But some have end up settling for a while in Mali, along the way. Mouna Khalil and her family arrived in Mali in 2013, after first fleeing...
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