Healthcare Assessment Of Syrian And Iraqi Urban Refugees In Jordan
Date of Entry:
-Gauge on patients’ general medical habits in terms of preferred touch points, hospitalization, medication and health facility selection criteria among others.
-Identify chronic disease prevalence among Syrian and Iraqi households as well as identify the most prevalent diseases among each segment.
-Understand patients’ behaviors with regards to their chronic illnesses
-Assess the medical aid received by refugees in terms of coverage (medicine, doctors, facilities etc.…)
-Identify the organizations on which refugees are reliant on when it comes to financial medical help
-Assess patients’ satisfaction with regards to the medical assistance received.
-Assess the impact of medical expenses on the lives of refugees especially with regards to necessities
-Gauge on awareness of organizations that offer medical assistance to non-Jordanians
Participating organizations: IMC Jordan
3 weeks ago
Comprehensive Food Security Monitoring Exercise (CFSME) 2016
Date of Entry:
Data collection started
To identify trends in vulnerability and food security levels amongst registered Syrian refugee women, girls, boys and men in Jordan and contribute to the advancement of the Vulnerability Assessment Framework.
Participating organizations: REACH-Initiative, WFP
4 weeks ago
IRC Jordan's Multi-Sector Needs Assessment: Amman and Zarqa
Date of Entry:
The assessment aims to: identify the specific vulnerabilities of Jordanian and Syrian refugee communities in Amman and Zarqa, highlighting how gender defines the needs, challenges, and priorities of communities differently; determine the most significant gaps in service provision related to health, protection, and economic well-being in vulnerable communities in the two governorates, as well as opportunities for coordination, collaboration, and capacity strengthening with local organizations; and guarantee evidence-based program design through the collection of quantitative and qualitative data.
Participating organizations: IRC Jordan
4 weeks ago
CARE's Fifth Multi-sectoral Urban Needs Assessment
Date of Entry:
The primary purpose of this assessment is to better understand the current needs and capacities of Urban Syrian Refugees and Jordanian Host Communities, and the trends and changes over time “by comparison with data from previous CARE Urban assessments”; in order to identify gaps, and provide recommendations for future programming and informing advocacy efforts.
Participating organizations: CARE Jordan
3 months ago
Assessment of the impact of the Syrian Refugee Crisis
Date of Entry:
The surveys that have been conducted among refugee population have largely focused on specific issues regarding humanitarian aid, but oftentimes only cover part of the refugee population and omit the host communities. This multi-country survey work proposes to fill these gaps by undertaking a specialized survey that is representative of both the Syrian refugee and native populations in three of the four most important host communities. The information that is collected will provide a snapshot of the major issues and challenges facing the refugees and local communities. The objectives of the survey are:
1. To assess the socio-economic and living conditions of a representative sample of the Syrian refugee and host community population in Lebanon, the Kurdistan region of Iraq, and high prevalence areas in Jordan.
2. To understand the implications in terms of social and economic conditions on the host communities.
3. To identify strategies to support Syrian refugees and host communities in the immediate and longer term.
Participating organizations: World Bank
4 months ago
Understanding the social ecology of children affected by the Syria Crisis: A qualitative study of 16 Syrian and Jordanian children and their families in East Amman and Ramtha, Jordan
Date of Entry:
Save the Children and Pearson have teamed up to provide innovative approaches to education for children in conflict-affected settings. The mission of the project is to complement Pearson’s donation to Save the Children, by developing and implementing new, scalable education solutions for conflict-affected settings. The first outcome of this phase of the partnership is a pilot in Jordan. Lessons learned from the pilot will be applied to adapting and scaling the solution/s in other similar contexts as agreed by the two organizations.
As noted above, the research task is part of a larger project to eventually develop innovative and scalable education solutions for children in conflict-affected settings around the world. There is already extensive literature on education solutions as well as existing needs assessments and interviews with relevant subject and area experts, therefore the proposed research builds on this to add the additional depth necessary to developing a new solution. The research to be carried out will, therefore, shed light on the feasibility and usability of scalable education solutions for vulnerable children and their host communities, and the eventual piloting of such a solution in Jordan.
Participating organizations: SAVE International
8 months ago
Access to Health Services for Syrian Refugees with Disabilities
Date of Entry:
Data collection started
To assess access to health services for individuals with disabilities
To identify unmet health needs of disabled refugees
To identify barriers to access to health services
Potential significance
Inform interventions in the current situation in Jordan
Potential to inform guidelines for health services availability for the disabled in refugee settings worldwide
Participating organizations: UNHCR Jordan
11 months ago
CARE's Baseline Assessment of Skills & Market Opportunities for Youth in Azraq Refugee Camp in Jordan 2015
Date of Entry:
Baseline Assessment of Skills & Market Opportunities for Youth in Azraq Refugee Camp in Jordan
Participating organizations: CARE Jordan
12 months ago
CARE's Urban Needs Assessment (FIVE YEARS INTO EXILE)
Date of Entry:
The challenges faced by Syrian refugees outside camps in Jordan and how they and their host communities are coping
Participating organizations: CARE Jordan
12 months ago
CARE Jordan 2015 Urban assessment (working title)
Date of Entry:
Data collection finished
- To identify needs, individual capacities and contextual factors related to basic needs and livelihoods, education and health, protection and psychosocial needs.
- To identify trends and changes over time by comparing current data with previous CARE studies.
- To analyze specific needs of women and girls across communities and changes in gender roles during displacement.
- To assess inter-community relations and the ability of the host community to maintain acceptance and support for refugees; potential issues in community relations and potential to mitigate these.
- To identify gaps between needs, capacities, and available services/forms of assistance, and to provide recommendations for future programming.
Participating organizations: CARE Jordan
1 year ago
Gender Based Violence Against Women Displaced by the Syrian Conflict: Identifying Trends and More Effective Ways to Support Survivors: Information and Research Center – King Hussein Foundation (IRCKHF)
Date of Entry:
The current study examines the extent of conflict-related GBV with a special emphasis on sexual GBV among women displaced by the Syrian conflict living in South Lebanon and Northern Jordan and the scope, quality, and effectiveness of the response to GBV among key stakeholders and female survivors of GBV. Recommendations to improve the response to conflict-related gender based violence will be included in the analysis.
Participating organizations: HRF Jordan
1 year ago
Terms of reference for a Need Assessment study of vulnerable population in Madaba Governorate
Date of Entry:
Data collection started
to identify and prepare a response that meets the needs of refugees and host communities and strengthens the response from the Jordanian government and international organizations and the coordination between the different actors.
Participating organizations: FPSC - Jordan
1 year ago
Evaluation of implementation of IASC Guidelines for the Prevention of and Response to GBV in Emergencies in the Syria Crisis response
Date of Entry:
Participating organizations: UNFPA Jordan
1 year ago
Health Access And Utilisation Survey Among Non-Camp Syrian Refugees In Jordan
Date of Entry:
• Evaluate access to and utilisation of key health services by registered non-camp Syrian refugees in Jordan
• Evaluate challenges faced by non-camp refugees in accessing health care services in Jordan
• Evaluate knowledge regarding the availability of health care services for non-camp refugees
• Estimate the proportion of registered non-camp refugees seeking care in preceding 4 weeks, types of care sought, whether or not care sought was received and in which type of facilities, difficulties faced in seeking care
• Assess access to care and barriers experienced by refugees who regularly seek health care.
Participating organizations: UNHCR Jordan
1 year ago
Required resources for small-scale non-commercial home-based food production in Irbid
Date of Entry:
As a practical part of an internal training for NRC staff, NRC is planning an adapted Emergency Market Mapping and Analysis (EMMA) assessment in the Northern Jordan from 22nd – 27th April. The training will map some of the resources required for small-scale non-commercial home-based food production in Irbid, with a view to understanding the critical links within the market system.
The training will be jointly facilitated by NRC head office staff and an external consultant, and is primarily meant to provide capacity building to NRC staff while enhancing the information available to the humanitarian community. NRC hopes that the analysis of segments of non-commercial home-based small-scale food production in Irbid from the perspective of supply, demand and systemic bottleneckswill provide useful insight for possible future programmatic interventions.
Participating organizations: NRC Jordan
1 year ago
Access to primary education for Syrian refugees in Irbid Governorate
Date of Entry:
As a practical part of an internal training for NRC staff, NRC is planning an adapted Emergency Market Mapping and Analysis (EMMA) assessment in the Northern Jordan from 22nd – 27th April. The training will map the access to primary education of Syrian refugees and links within the market system that facilitate or hinder that.
The training will be jointly facilitated by NRC head office staff and an external consultant, and is primarily meant to provide capacity building to NRC staff while enhancing the information available to the humanitarian community. NRC hopes that the analysis of segments of primary education from the perspective of supply, demand and systemic bottleneckswill provide useful insight for possible future programmatic intervention.
Participating organizations: NRC Jordan
1 year ago
PRM Research on coordinating services to refugees in urban areas in Jordan
Date of Entry:
PRM is funding the RAND Corporation to conduct research on coordinating services to refugees in urban areas. The research will include a visit to Jordan in mid-March and will involve interviews with UN and government agencies, NGOs, donors, and refugees in the region.
Participating organizations: PRM
1 year ago
AGDM Participatory Assessment 2015
Date of Entry:
Data collection finished
The 2015 PA exercise aims at identifying unmet protection needs of the most vulnerable segments of the refugee population in Jordan (Iraqis, Somalis, Sudanese)
a. To identify gaps in knowledge on the protection risks facing the most vulnerable segments of the refugee population in Jordan through a review of existing needs assessments;
b. To obtain an overview of the perceptions of refugees on (a) the current protection space in Jordan; (b) Community Based Protection Networks; and (c) current coping strategies in line with the recent UNHCR/IRD Home Visit Report;
c. To provide information necessary for UNHCR and partners to develop a framework for immediate and longer term interventions.
Participating organizations: UNHCR Jordan, WFP Jordan, UNICEF - Jordan , UNFPA Jordan, UNESCO Jordan
1 year ago
Study of the Impact of Cash Assistance in Reducing Negative Coping Mechanisms among Syrian Refugees in Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon
Date of Entry:
Data collection started
This is a qualitative participatory research study which seeks to examine how the UNHCR cash transfer program (CTP) may affect the coping strategies practised by Syrian refugees living in […]. This study is also being conducted in [..] and […]. In addition, this study seeks to explore how cash assistance can better support targeted refugees.
The findings of this research exercise will be presented in a report for UNHCR. The report hopes to identify good practice and may inform the design and implementation of the cash transfer program.
Participating organizations: OPM, UNHCR Jordan
1 year ago
Assessment of the availability of Sexual and Reproductive Health Services available to Women, Girls, Boys and Men in the Governorates of Karak, Ma'an, Tafilah and Aqaba
Date of Entry:
, 01 Nov 2030
To gather quantitative and qualitative information required for the development of a humanitarian program proposal for APS focused on GBV response in southern Jordan, aiming to present to the ECHO HIP 2015.
Participating organizations: APS
1 year ago
Mental Health Psychosocial and Child Protection for Syrian Adolescent Refugees in Jordan
Date of Entry:
1. To ascertain the scope and prevalence of violence experienced by Syrian adolescents in Jordan
2. To gain an understanding of the perceived discrimination felt by Syrian refugees in Jordan through the perspectives of adolescents and their parents
3. To assess mental health and psychosocial needs of Syrian refugee adolescents in camp and non-camp settings
4. To gain an understanding of current coping strategies, resilience traits and protective strategies that adolescents
Participating organizations: UNICEF - Jordan , IMC Jordan
1 year ago
Who is Doing What, Where and When (4Ws) in Mental Health & Psychosocial Support in Jordan
Date of Entry:
The specific objectives of the 2014 MHPSS mapping are to:
1. Compile an updated profile of MHPSS programs and services in Jordan for women, girls, boys and men, in particular their reach and capacity;
2. Facilitate an assessment of the gaps in MHPSS activities, the provision of support to target groups, workforce capacity and skills, and funding of the sub-sector;
3. Raise awareness of and increase stakeholder engagement in preparing a coordinated MHPSS response plan;
4. Disseminate findings and recommendations of the mapping to the MHPSS working group and other stakeholders.
Participating organizations: IMC Jordan, WHO Jordan, MoH Jordan
2 years ago
Za’atari KAP Household Survey and Focus Group Discussion in Zaatari Camp
Date of Entry:
Data collection finished
The purpose of the household survey is to determine people’s knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding water, sanitation and hygiene in Za’atari camp. The information will be used to help UN agencies and NGOs to better plan their WASH services and programmes within the Zaatari camp. Approximately 376 household will be interviewed an average of 31 household from each district. The survey will take around 2 weeks. There will be around 8 enumerators for each district which will be trained for subject mentioned survey. The survey will be conducted by Oxfam, JEN and ACTED and all the enumerators will be from these organizations.
In addition to KAP survey, there will be 3 Focus Group Discussion (FGD) meetings in each district. One with men, one with women and one with children. The expected number of refugee participants are 10-12 for each FDG. The survey will be started as soon as we receive approval form SRAD.
Participating organizations: UNICEF - Jordan , Oxfam - Jordan, JEN
2 years ago
IRC KAP Survey on knowledge and service seeking behaviors (BPRM funded)
Date of Entry:
1. To provide baseline information about current knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding GBV and RH issues among the targeted population;
2. To provide information about the level of knowledge regarding the available services and referral pathways for GBV and RH;
3. To determine the source of information and service seeking behaviors regarding GBV and RH issues.
Participating organizations: IRC Jordan
2 years ago
Access to Water and Tensions in Jordanian Communities Hosting Syrian Refugees
Date of Entry:
In Jordan, few comprehensive studies have been conducted to provide an in-depth understanding of the key
drivers of host community tensions. To address this information gap, this multi-sectoral REACH assessment
aimed at identifying where tensions have emerged across northern Jordan as a result of the Syrian refugee
crisis, and how they could be mitigated through social cohesion and resilience programming. In the shift from
humanitarian relief to long-term development, the assessment aims to promote and inform the mainstreaming of
a ‗Do No Harm‘ approach in the response provided to conflict-affected populations residing in Jordanian host
communities. Sectors assessed included: education, external support, healthcare, livelihoods, municipal
services, shelter and water.
Participating organizations: REACH-Initiative
2 years ago