United States - World Refugee Day

War has forced millions of families to flee their homes

This is the most urgent story of our time

Resilience and appreciation

Thon was born in, Jonglei State, South Sudan. Having fled Sudan as a child, he taught pre-schoolers and worked as a Counselor for Jesuit Refugee Service and Lutheran World Federation in a Kenyan Refugee Camp. He was resettled in the United States in December, 2000 by Lutheran Immigration Refugee Service (LIRS) and thrived in a […]

World Refugee Day at the Kennedy Center

Join UNHCR, Actress Kat Graham and the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts for a special musical performance in recognition of World Refugee Day.

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Refugee Day Events
Celebrate World Refugee Day in your neighborhood! Check out UNHCR events happening across the United States.

Osman’s Story, USA

Osman tells his own story of fleeing violence in Darfur, Sudan and how he came to the US as a refugee.

Khaled Hosseini tells Nalene’s Story

American author Khaled Hosseini meets Nalene, a young woman supporting her family working in a beauty salon in the refugee camp…

Barbara Hendricks tells Jennie Tourel’s Story

Barbara Hendricks, classical singer and UNHCR Honorary Lifetime Goodwill Ambassador, shares the story of her mentor, Jennie Tourel.

Khaled Hosseini supports Zal Khan

Acclaimed author Khaled Hosseini supports Zal Khan, who built a house through the assistance of UNHCR; He is full of joy because his children are now safe.

Steven’s Story, United States

In 2008, my family and I ran away from my country because of religious issues. From there, l started the kind of life that I have right now.

Kat Graham touched by refugees’ strength

The American actress was moved by the stories of courage she heard as she met with various Syrian families…

Khaled Hosseini supports Sirajuddin

Khaled Hosseini set up The Khaled Hosseini Foundation, providing shelters to Afghan refugees; Sirajuddin, one of those refugees, tells his story…

Khaled Hosseini tells Payman's story

Khaled Hosseini tells Payman's story

  Length: 2:26 Views: 337

Andrew McConnell, Photojournalist

Photojournalist Andrew McConnell meets Minatu Lanadas Suidat, a young journalist who was born in a refugee camp…

This silly baby, this sticky, sweaty, sick human humming and sucking on her fingers is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.

It is as if I can hear this 1-year-old child’s thoughts: “I was named after a ‘Mzungu‘, a white person? This is Aimee?” When she sees my white skin, she presses her fat face into her mother’s breasts and shakes her head. She hides and waits. But I do not go away.

Khaled Hosseini witness Syrian refugees’ resilience

Afghan-born American author Khaled Hosseini is moved by families desperate to provide for themselves and not to be reliant…

Alek Wek’s Story, Model and Designer

Alek Wek fled her country when she was five; the Sudanese supermodel tells her story…

Kat Graham meets Abu Hadi

American actress Kat Graham meets Abu Hadi and his children in Zaatari refugee settlement. They realized they must stay there until the end of the conflict…

Khaled Hosseini tells Yasser’s Story

American novelist Khaled Hosseini meets Yasser and is moved by the atrocities his young children have seen…

Khaled Hosseini’s most precious possession

Acclaimed Afghan-American author Khaled Hosseini knows what it’s like to be a refugee…

For a long time I had a dream of visiting western countries, the dream to go further to cover graduation from respective university in the west?

For a long time I had a dream of visiting western countries, the dream to go further to cover graduation from respective university in the west? My dreams get bigger when I discovered that all my colleagues in the primary school had same dreams. I started study hard believing that will happen one day and […]

Kat Graham meets Abu Tamarak

American actress Kat Graham meets Abu’s family. His family still manages to smile and laugh despite the sadness…

Meet Fautima: Leading refugee girls in Ethiopia

Her parents left their native country hoping for a better future. So did my parents.

Khaled Hosseini tells Alan’s Story

Khaled Hosseini visits Syrian refugee and straight A student Alan in Darashakran camp in Iraq; Alan dreams of being a doctor…

Romola Garai shares her great-grandfather’s Story

British actress Romola Garai tells her great-grandfather’s story and she is proud to be a product both of his flight and of the society that nurtured him.

1 family torn apart by war is too many

Learn more about our work with refugees at UNrefugees.org