
Featured Journalists

War has forced millions of families to flee their homes

This is the most urgent story of our time

Olivier Pain, Photographer

“Despite her horrific story, there is no trace of hatred in her eyes.” Olivier met Aisha while visiting a refugee camp in Burkina Faso…

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"We were a respected family that had built a good life in Sarajevo. We had a house and an apartment in Sarajevo. But war is indiscriminate and we lost it all."

Radonja went from being a governmental official to cigarette seller in a matter of days; yet she perseveres and is determined to rebuild her shattered life…

Kandara’s Story, Greece

Kandara is eager to learn Greek and immerse himself in Greek culture in an attempt to create conditions for a better life…

Shamim’s Story, Kenya

Being a woman in this job is not easy. People often ask me: “You are 25 years old. Why are you not married?”…

Jeanine Nyagufi’s Story, Burundi

Jeanine has finally returned to her homeland after 20 years and her only hope is that her children will finally be able to attend school.

John’s Story, Uganda

John is chairman of the Computer Technology Access centre, which he has seen grow from an idea into a reality and a self-sustaining, income generating business.

Resettled refugee, Portland, Maine

Resettled refugee, Portland, Maine

  Length: 1:30 Views: 20

David Morrissey visits Za’atari Refugee Camp, Jordan

Actor and UNHCR High Profile Supporter David Morrissey travelled to Jordan to see UNHCR’s frontline work for Syrian refugees.

Khaled Hosseini witness Syrian refugees’ resilience

Afghan-born American author Khaled Hosseini is moved by families desperate to provide for themselves and not to be reliant…

1 family torn apart by war is too many

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