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South Sudan Situation
Information Sharing Portal
Information Sharing Portal

Regional Overview

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In KK World Disability Day was marked on 03 Dec. by over 600 participants under the theme: Inclusion Matters: Access and Empowerment for People of All Abilities 16/12/2015
A total of 1,282 refugees arrived from South Sudan from Elegu and Kuluba collection points, between 27 Nov -08 Dec 2015. 10/12/2015
A total of 173,086 South Sudanese refugees have been received in the country since the onset of the influx. 10/12/2015
The new Director General of DG ECHO, Monique Pariat was on a one day familiarization visit to KK Camp on 24 November. She was accompanied by ECHO Kenya team. 27/11/2015
From 23 November, the individual biometric registration in White Nile State, Sudan has resumed its exercise in the third site- El Kashafa. 24/11/2015
As end of October Uganda host more than half a million refugee majority of them are from DR Congo [42%], South Sudan [39%], Somali [7%] and Burundi [7%] . 19/11/2015
UNHCR in collaboration with UNFPA & UN Women officially launched in KK the HeForShe campaign on 9 Nov. to raise awareness on inequality faced by women and girls 13/11/2015
UNHCR delivered 240 benches, 16 teacher tables and chairs to Nabagu and Yabua primary schools in Nzara and Yambio counties. 16/10/2015
In Lasu settlement, primary school attendance increased from 58 to 67 per cent compared to the first two weeks of October, following a back-to-school campaign. 28/10/2015
In Gorom settlement, UNHCR received 203 Ethiopian new arrivals of Anyuak ethinicity, whom are believed to have relocated from other areas in South Sudan. 27/10/2015

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