string(6) "Uganda" Urgence au Soudan du Sud - Uganda
Urgence au Soudan du Sud
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Refugees from South Sudan in Uganda: Post 15 Dec 2013
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Refugees from South Sudan in Uganda: Post 15 Dec 2013


Registered and Awaiting Registration

Date de mise à jour 10 Dec 2015

Source - UNHCR, UNHCR and Government (OPM), Government (OPM), RIMS System

Refugees and asylum-seekers from South Sudan in Uganda: Pre 15 Dec 2013


Registered and Awaiting Registration

Date de mise à jour 31 Aug 2014

Source - UNHCR
Uganda - pre-15 December 2013 static figure
Pre-15 December caseload may change due to registration, births, deaths and departures. As of 15 December, the figure of pre-influx refugees (and asylum-seekers) was 25,000

Refugees and asylum-seekers from South Sudan in Uganda: Total


Registered and Awaiting Registration

Date de mise à jour 10 Dec 2015

Source - UNHCR, UNHCR and Government (OPM), Government (OPM), RIMS System

Homme (47.3%) Age (52.7%) Femme
9% 0 - 4 8.6%
14.5% 5 - 11 13.8%
10% 12 - 17 8.9%
13% 18 - 59 19.7%
0.7% 60 + 1.8%

  Refugees and asylum-seekers from South Sudan in Uganda: Total

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Données de planification


Registered and Awaiting Registration

Date de mise à jour 01 Jan 2015

Source - UNHCR


Report Date: 10/12/2015
UNHCR Uganda operational update for the South Sudanese emergency 28 November - 08 December 2015
Uploaded 5 days ago
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Report Date: 28/11/2015
UNHCR Uganda operational update for the South Sudanese emergency 13 - 27 November 2015
Uploaded 2 weeks ago
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Report Date: 17/11/2015
Uganda South Sudan Situation Info-graph and Statistics 17 November 2015
Uploaded 4 weeks ago
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  En Bref

A total of 1,282 refugees arrived from South Sudan from Elegu and Kuluba collection points, between 27 Nov -08 Dec 2015.
10 Dec 2015
A total of 173,086 South Sudanese refugees have been received in the country since the onset of the influx.
10 Dec 2015
As end of October Uganda host more than half a million refugee majority of them are from DR Congo [42%], South Sudan [39%], Somali [7%] and Burundi [7%] .
19 Nov 2015
In Adjumani, the period (September 1-14) saw a total of 1420 South Sudanese refugees seeking safety and protection in Uganda.
17 Sep 2015
In Arua, Cholera outbreak ongoing since the 11th July 2015. As at 31st July, a cumulative 32 cases had been seen with no death
05 Jul 2015


Kiryandongo School where pupils are taught in five languages
New Vision News , 19 Oct 2015
By Eddie Ssejjoba Teachers at Conram Primary School located in Kiryandongo Refugee Resettlement have to use five different languages to communicate to pupils who come from different dialects and nationalities. The school has 3,120 pupils, making it one of the most...
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Refugee Haven, Kampala has become a global example of how best to help people who flee their home country
Independent news, 03 Aug 2015
Uganda is a developing country with meagre resources but despite that, the country is leading the way in terms of refugee response. For this, says Charlie Yaxley, the UNHCR Associate External Relations Officer in Kampala, Uganda deserves special praise. “Uganda has a unique policy towards refugees...
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Fresh off a UNHCR trip to Northern Uganda, Kristin Davis gets candid about witnessing the huge influx of South Sudanese refugees fleeing violence in their country
UNHCR, 30 Jul 2015
Emerging out of the dust clouds that gather closer and closer is a small minibus. It stops beside us, and an ancient-looking man unfolds himself from the vehicle, looking dazed. It is swelteringly hot and he's drenched in sweat. His daughter and her tiny baby are with him, and they, too, look lost a...
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Breaking the Silence
UNHCR, 06 Mar 2015
At Nyumanzi refugee settlement in northern Uganda, where the sound of families preparing food hangs on the hazy, late-afternoon air, 18-year-old Suzan Yar Agot is making her rounds in a neighbourhood known as Block C. Once upon a time these afternoon strolls were aimless, an attempt to stave off the...
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One Mother’s Courage
UNHCR , 17 Feb 2015
Deadly conflicts forced Nawat to flee from Sudan to South Sudan to Uganda. Now, a small miracle has made her family whole again. It’s been a little over a year since I last visited the refugee settlements of Adjumani, in northern Uganda. It was here – in those early months of 2014, when many ...
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