UNHCR seeking urgent access to thousands fleeing Bangui, CAR violence

News Stories, 29 September 2015

© UNHCR/O. Khelifi
View of Mpoko IDP site where around 100,000 persons sought both refuge and security around the capital's international airport in late 2013.

GENEVA, Sept 29 (UNHCR) Fighting between rival militias in the Central African Republic capital of Bangui since Saturday has left at least 36 people dead, forced thousands to flee their homes and moved the reconciliation process a step backwards, the UN refugee agency announced today.

"UN troops have been deployed to restore order: however, as of this morning, UNHCR staff members in Bangui say the situation is very tense with shooting in the city centre," UNHCR spokesperson Leo Dobbs told a press briefing in Geneva.

He said the situation was worryingly reminiscent of late 2013 and early 2014, when thousands of people were killed and tens of thousands of others forcibly displaced by inter-communal conflict.

"With numerous reports of rival armed groups gathering in the provinces and Bangui we fear the situation could escalate. UNHCR joins others in appealing for calm," Dobbs added.

Fighting and numerous roadblocks which have sprung up have made an already difficult humanitarian situation worse, impeding the ability of UNHCR and partners to gain access to thousands of internally displaced people and assess needs.

"All sides should urgently allow humanitarian organizations access to areas hosting the newly displaced," Dobbs said.

UNHCR, with the help of the International Organization for Migration and other partners, now estimates that at least 27,400 people have been displaced within the city, including 10,000 who are sheltering at the Mpoko site near the airport, which was already hosting about 11,000 people.

"There are immediate needs for emergency shelter, health care and basic aid. If the situation remains volatile, there will be a need for food supplies and hygiene and sanitation facilities. Displaced people are reported to be in a state of shock and extreme fear," Dobbs declared.

© UNHCR/A. Fouchard
Children at Grand Seminaire site in Bangui where many displaced have taken refuge.

Bangui had been relatively peaceful for months but renewed fighting began last Saturday after the killing of a young Muslim moto-taxi driver. The violence has caused panic in the capital, where a curfew has been imposed. Elections in CAR are scheduled for October 18.

Médecins Sans Frontières added that in addition to the deaths, hundreds of civilians have been injured and need treatment, but medical teams are having difficulty reaching them.

Several international organisations have had their compounds looted. On Monday night, gunmen entered the house of a UNHCR staff member and stole belongings.

"Yesterday evening, hundreds of detainees escaped from Bangui's Ngaragba Prison, with many reported to have joined the anti-Balaka militia group, which has been fighting the former Seleka militia," Dobbs said.

The violence is a reminder of how fragile and unpredictable the security situation in CAR remains, with armed elements still present in some neighbourhoods of Bangui, and in control of several towns and localities in the centre and north of the country (including Bambari, Batangafo, Kaga-Bandoro, Mbres, Kabo).

Meanwhile, UNHCR has joined the interim UN humanitarian coordinator, MINUSCA and others in calling on all sides for an end to the fighting and to ensure the protection of the civilian population. Social cohesion efforts and dialogue between both communities need to be consolidated as the peace process is clearly still very fragile.

Prior to this latest violence Central African Republic had an internally displaced population estimated at 370,000 people, with 470,000 people having fled into surrounding countries.

The refugee response plan presented by UNHCR and 17 partners to provide protection and assistance to CAR refugees in neighbouring countries has received 23 per cent of the required US $331 million funding, leaving a gap of US $254 million.




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Edwige Deals With Loss by Keeping Busy and Aiding Others in Mole Camp

Edwige Kpomako is a woman in a hurry; but her energy also helps the refugee from Central African Republic (CAR) to cope with the tragedy that forced her to flee to northern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) last year. Before violence returned to her country in 2012, the 25-year-old was studying for a Masters in American literature in Bangui, and looking forward to the future. "I started my thesis on the works of Arthur Miller, but because of the situation in CAR . . . ," she said, her voice trailing off. Instead, she had to rush to the DRC with a younger brother, but her fiancée and 10-year old son were killed in the inter-communal violence in CAR.

After crossing the Oubangui River to the DRC, Edwige was transferred to Mole, a camp housing more than 13,000 refugees. In a bid to move on with her life and keep busy, she started to help others, assume a leadership role and take part in communal activities, including the Brazilian martial art of capoeira. She heads the women's committee, is engaged in efforts to combat sexual violence, and acts as a liaison officer at the health centre. She also teaches and runs a small business selling face creams. "I discovered that I'm not weak," said Edwige, who remains optimistic. She is sure that her country will come out of its nightmare and rebuild, and that she will one day become a human rights lawyer helping refugees.

American photojournalist Brian Sokol took these photos.

Edwige Deals With Loss by Keeping Busy and Aiding Others in Mole Camp

New refugees from Central African Republic struggle with ration cuts in southern Chad

Since January 2014, a funding shortfall has forced the World Food Programme (WFP) to cut food rations by 60 per cent in refugee camps in southern Chad. The reduction comes as thousands of refugees from Central African Republic (CAR) continue to arrive in the south - more than 14,000 of them since the beginning of 2014. Many arrive sick, malnourished and exhausted after walking for months in the bush with little food or water. They join some 90,000 other CAR refugees already in the south - some of them for years.

The earlier refugees have been able to gain some degree of self-reliance through agriculture or employment, thus making up for some of the food cuts. But the new arrivals, fleeing the latest round of violence in their homeland, are facing a much harsher reality. And many of them - particularly children - will struggle to survive because WFP has also been forced cut the supplemental feeding programmes used to treat people trying to recover from malnutrition.

WFP needs to raise US$ 186 million to maintain feeding programmes for refugees in Africa through the end of the year. Additionally, UNHCR is urgently seeking contributions towards the US$ 78 million it has budgeted this year for food security and nutrition programmes serving refugees in Africa.

Photojournalist Corentin Fohlen and UNHCR Public Information Officer Céline Schmitt visited CAR refugees in southern Chad to document their plight and how they're trying to cope.

New refugees from Central African Republic struggle with ration cuts in southern Chad

A Central African Refugee's Reunion With Her Sons Brings Joy and Sorrow

The violence and conflict in the Central African Republic has forced hundreds of thousands of people to flee their homes since mid-December. Many have sought refuge in neighbouring countries, including 80,000 in Cameroon. During the trauma and confusion of flight, families often become separated. They face many dangers on the way to safety, and their journey can take many weeks. Ramatou, a 45-year-old mother of 11 children, was separated from three of her sons and her husband when militiamen attacked her village in January. She ran in one direction with eight children and eventually made it to Cameroon with the help of African Union peace-keepers. Her husband and three sons ran in a different direction and endured many ordeals in the bush, becoming separated again. Earlier this month, Ramatou was reunited in Cameroon's Mbile Refugee Camp with the two youngest boys. She was overjoyed, but dismayed that they were on their own. She still hopes for her husband and eldest son to turn up. Photographer Fred Noy was there at the emotional reunion.

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