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  • Learning as a Refugee
    Learning as a Refugee

    unhcr - 28/09/2007

    In Colombia, the decades-long conflict makes getting an education nearly impossible for those displaced by the violence. In rural areas, families are constantly...

  • The Struggle to Go to School
    The Struggle to Go to School

    unhcr - 28/09/2007

    It's one of the hardest choices Iraqi refugee families have to make -- whether to send their children to school or to work. Even though Syria has opened its cla...

  • Learning is Their Future
    Learning is Their Future

    unhcr - 28/09/2007

    Almost a quarter-of-a-million Sudanese have fled violence in the Darfur region and found refuge across the border in eastern Chad. Schools in the UNHCR-run refu...

  • Carly, A Refugee's Story
    Carly, A Refugee's Story

    unhcr - 09/07/2007

    Carly is forced to flee her home and leave everything behind. All alone, she sets out to find help in other lands. She encounters the Stone-eaters, Smoky-crows,...

  • Colombia's Invisible Crisis
    Colombia's Invisible Crisis

    unhcr - 21/06/2007

    UN High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres visits Colombia and Ecuador to see first hand the living conditions of some of the millions of Colombians dis...

  • Sri Lanka : Decades of Displacement
    Sri Lanka : Decades of Displacement

    unhcr - 20/06/2007

    Each day the conflict in Sri Lanka forces more families to flee their homes. More than 300,000 people have been displaced in the last year alone. UNHCR is attem...

  • Displaced in Northern Iraq
    Displaced in Northern Iraq

    unhcr - 20/06/2007

    There are an estimated 4.2 million uprooted people in Iraq - more than in any other country in the world. The flow of people to neighbouring states and individ...

  • Azerbaijan: Sports Brightens an Otherwise Stark Life
    Azerbaijan: Sports Brightens an Otherwise Stark Life

    unhcr - 19/06/2007

    Through Vusal, a young refugee living in a refugee camp in Azerbaijan is able to share with you a glimpse of his life and how playing football m...

  • Big Business Helps Refugees
    Big Business Helps Refugees

    unhcr - 15/06/2007

    A boardroom would be a more likely place for a meeting between decision makers of four high powered international corporations. Instead they came together in a...

  • Football in Tham Hin Refugee Camp in Thailand
    Football in Tham Hin Refugee Camp in Thailand

    unhcr - 15/06/2007

    Through Paw Wah, a young refugee living in a refugee camp in Thailand is able to share with you a glimps of her life. To learn more about the ni...