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  • Ziad Ayoubi account thumbnail

    Ziad Ayoubi

    @ziadayoubi - 20/11/2022

    مبروك قطر على استضافة بطولة كأس العالم لكرة القدم فيفا ٢٠٢٢

  • Ziad Ayoubi account thumbnail

    Ziad Ayoubi

    @ziadayoubi - 16/11/2022

    UN warns of worsening conflict and displacement in Sahel without immediate climate action : via @refugees

  • Ziad Ayoubi account thumbnail

    Ziad Ayoubi

    @ziadayoubi - 12/11/2022

    This week I visited Mbera camp for the last time in my two year assignment as UNHCR Deputy Representative in Mauritania. These are some photos taken during the mission and the farwell organized by the beautiful community of the camp ❤️

  • Ziad Ayoubi account thumbnail

    Ziad Ayoubi

    @ziadayoubi - 11/11/2022

    UN Refugee Agency warns of extreme hardship for forcibly displaced families this winter: via @refugees

  • Ziad Ayoubi account thumbnail

    Ziad Ayoubi

    @ziadayoubi - 10/11/2022

    شكراً سعادة السفير على كل ما قدمته للتعاون الياباني الموريتاني، وخاصة على جهودك في دعم ملف اللاجئين في موريتانيا.

  • Ziad Ayoubi account thumbnail

    Ziad Ayoubi

    @ziadayoubi - 25/10/2022

    بالأمس، وبعد أيام قليلة من إعلان فوز فرقة مكافحة الحريق في مخيم أمبرة للاجئين بجائزة نانسن، شب حريق كبير في بلدية المكف حوالي الساعة السادسة مساءً وتمت السيطرة عليه حوالي الثالثة صباحاً بمجهود كبير من قبل السلطات المحلية مدعومة من القوات المسلحة وحوالي ١٠٠ من متطوعي المخيم.

  • Ziad Ayoubi account thumbnail

    Ziad Ayoubi

    @ziadayoubi - 17/10/2022

    RT @Refugees: A warning from the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, @FilippoGrandi: We cannot just pay attention to the latest crisis at th…

  • Ziad Ayoubi account thumbnail

    Ziad Ayoubi

    @ziadayoubi - 12/10/2022

    Flashback to this visit to Lake Mahmouda in South East Mauritania. It was worrying to see how the lake is drying. Climate change is a real threat and it is the responsibility of all states to take immediate action.

  • Ziad Ayoubi account thumbnail

    Ziad Ayoubi

    @ziadayoubi - 11/10/2022

    Yesterday, the Mbera Fire Brigade, a group of environmental volunteers from the refugee community, received Africa Nansen prize. UNHCR Mauritania team can't be more proud of this achievement.

  • Ziad Ayoubi account thumbnail

    Ziad Ayoubi

    @ziadayoubi - 08/10/2022

    RT @FilippoGrandi: On Monday we will honour 4 regional #NansenAward winners alongside laureate Angela Merkel. They made a difference in th…