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  • Charlie Yaxley account thumbnail

    Charlie Yaxley

    @yaxle - 22/04/2020

    ??States MUST manage border restrictions in ways that respect human rights and refugees.?? Measures can include: ✅Temporary quarantine ✅Health screening ✅Asylum interviews by video FUNDAMENTALLY: ✅PROTECT THE RIGHT TO SEEK ASYLUM

  • Charlie Yaxley account thumbnail

    Charlie Yaxley

    @yaxle - 22/04/2020

    Disproportionate use of immigration detention, rising risk of sexual violence, discriminatory restrictions on health+social services+job losses are driving many refugees on the margins of society deeper into poverty+destitution.

  • Charlie Yaxley account thumbnail

    Charlie Yaxley

    @yaxle - 22/04/2020

    ???!!WARNING!!??? UNHCR estimates 167 countries have fully or partially closed their borders to contain spread of Coronavirus. At least 57 states are making no exception for people seeking asylum May present serious threat to refugees' lives+safety

  • Charlie Yaxley account thumbnail

    Charlie Yaxley

    @yaxle - 22/04/2020

    Refugees fleeing war+persecution MUST NOT be denied safety on the pretext or as a side effect of measures responding to Coronavirus/#COVID19 This is not a dilemma. We can PROTECT both refugees' rights AND public health

  • Charlie Yaxley account thumbnail

    Charlie Yaxley

    @yaxle - 22/04/2020

    BREAKING: UNHCR warns of potential long-term damage to human rights + refugee rights from Coronavirus pandemic Our core values are being tested. We cannot turn a blind eye to people fleeing war, violence and persecution

  • Charlie Yaxley account thumbnail

    Charlie Yaxley

    @yaxle - 22/04/2020

    Many refugees are particularly vulnerable to risk of COVID19 spreading. But important to also remember this is also true for the majority of refugees who live in urban areas, where many live in overcrowded conditions+with poor access to water+healthcare.

  • Charlie Yaxley account thumbnail

    Charlie Yaxley

    @yaxle - 18/04/2020

    @ChrisBoian @KatGraham @Giannis_An34 @LuolDeng9 @EireannDolan This is superb, hats off to you sir

  • Charlie Yaxley account thumbnail

    Charlie Yaxley

    @yaxle - 17/04/2020

    Please read this moving piece from @MissMahoo. 6 Faces of the Sahel In many places, violence reigns and nowhere is safe

  • Charlie Yaxley account thumbnail

    Charlie Yaxley

    @yaxle - 17/04/2020

    Very worrying. UNHCR + @UNmigration have repeatedly called for an end to detention for rescued refugees and migrants. Conditions inside these centres are dire. And for those who end up in unofficial detention centres run by smugglers+traffickers, it's a living nightmate.

  • Charlie Yaxley account thumbnail

    Charlie Yaxley

    @yaxle - 17/04/2020

    Welcome statement by @YlvaJohansson, EU Commr for Home Affairs, reminding Euro States that even in a health emergency, must protect fundamental human rights including access to asylum Important people can also access asylum when needing safety at sea!