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  • UNHCR Algeria account thumbnail

    UNHCR Algeria

    @unhcralgeria - 06/02/2018

    RT @MLRSaharaui: 22/01/2018 Monthly Food sector Meeting.

  • UNHCR Algeria account thumbnail

    UNHCR Algeria

    @unhcralgeria - 06/02/2018

    RT @MLRSaharaui: A delegation arrived today to the headquarters of the Saharawi red crescent, composed of four members of the United Nation…

  • UNHCR Algeria account thumbnail

    UNHCR Algeria

    @unhcralgeria - 06/02/2018

    RT @MLRSaharaui: Llego hoy una delegación a la sede de la media luna roja saharaui, compuesta de cuatro miembros del Alto comisionado de Na…

  • UNHCR Algeria account thumbnail

    UNHCR Algeria

    @unhcralgeria - 06/02/2018

    RT @MLRSaharaui: وصل اليوم وفد متكون من اربعة اشخاص لمقر الهلال الأحمر الصحراوي تابع للمفوضية السامية لغوث اللاجئين،لوضع تقييمات لبعض البرا…

  • UNHCR Algeria account thumbnail

    UNHCR Algeria

    @unhcralgeria - 06/02/2018

    RT @MLRSaharaui: Today the new cooking program season started in the studio that is in the headquarters of WSRC, with a new idea of ​​cooki…

  • UNHCR Algeria account thumbnail

    UNHCR Algeria

    @unhcralgeria - 31/01/2018

    RT @MLRSaharaui: The humanitarian aid caravan arrived last night 2018 to the Saharawi refugee camps from Spain from all the associations of…

  • UNHCR Algeria account thumbnail

    UNHCR Algeria

    @unhcralgeria - 31/01/2018

    #UNHCR is looking for candidates to fill a number of positions which are targeted at experienced professionals in various functional areas. Please visit UNHCR’s webpage for details on available vacancies and on how to apply. #vacancies #careers

  • UNHCR Algeria account thumbnail

    UNHCR Algeria

    @unhcralgeria - 28/01/2018

    RT @MuraVirg: "I did not give up hope. The struggle is still in my blood. But life in the camps slowly wears us down. It is hard to keep…

  • UNHCR Algeria account thumbnail

    UNHCR Algeria

    @unhcralgeria - 28/01/2018

    RT @MuraVirg: "The key solution is to promote a culture of dialogue. Let Sahrawis express their feelings and aspirations, hopes, needs and…

  • UNHCR Algeria account thumbnail

    UNHCR Algeria

    @unhcralgeria - 28/01/2018

    RT @MuraVirg: "We need to be trained and engaged. We have to be able to see into the future. It has been 43 years. I am not sure we can wai…