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    UNHCR News

    @RefugeesMedia - 06/10/2015

    Situation in Afghanistan remains very challenging, as events in Kunduz show. Number of internally displaced persons now nearly 1m #ExCom2015

  • UNHCR News account thumbnail

    UNHCR News

    @RefugeesMedia - 06/10/2015

    The regional Solutions Strategy for Afghan Refugees needs to be supported by development actors, High Commissioner tells #ExCom2015

  • UNHCR News account thumbnail

    UNHCR News

    @RefugeesMedia - 06/10/2015

    Durable solutions for Afghan refugees in Iran & Pakistan needed Most refugees prefer voluntary repatriation in safety and dignity #ExCom2015

  • UNHCR News account thumbnail

    UNHCR News

    @RefugeesMedia - 06/10/2015

    Afghanistan& Pres Ghani have committed to making durable solutions for refugees and displaced persons a top national priority #ExCom2015

  • UNHCR News account thumbnail

    UNHCR News

    @RefugeesMedia - 06/10/2015

    54,000 refugees returned to Afghanistan in 2015, almost as many as previous two years. They join millions who returned since 2002 #ExCom2015

  • UNHCR News account thumbnail

    UNHCR News

    @RefugeesMedia - 06/10/2015

    International community refocus on situation not getting attention it deserves To ignore Afghanistan would be a dangerous mistake #ExCom2015

  • UNHCR News account thumbnail

    UNHCR News

    @RefugeesMedia - 06/10/2015

    After 35 years and 2.6 million registered refugees in 70 countries, Afghans are world’s largest protracted refugee population #ExCom2015

  • UNHCR News account thumbnail

    UNHCR News

    @RefugeesMedia - 06/10/2015

    6m people, was biggest refugee situation for UNHCR, biggest voluntary repatriation operation ever, over 5.8m returnees since 2002 #ExCom2015

  • UNHCR News account thumbnail

    UNHCR News

    @RefugeesMedia - 06/10/2015

    UNHCR has a special relationship with Afghanistan. Islamic Republics of Iran and Pakistan have taken in 95% of Afghan refugees #ExCom2015

  • UNHCR News account thumbnail

    UNHCR News

    @RefugeesMedia - 06/10/2015

    More support needed for durable solutions for Afghan refugees, world’s largest protracted refugee situation - High Commissioner #ExCom2015