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  • UNHCR Central Europe account thumbnail

    UNHCR Central Europe

    @RefugeesCE - 04/11/2022

    This November, the One World film festival brings to Bratislava compelling international documentary films, including some linked with refugee & migration topics. The festival, partially funded by @Refugees, runs from 5 to 11 November.

  • UNHCR Central Europe account thumbnail

    UNHCR Central Europe

    @RefugeesCE - 04/11/2022

    A convergence of conflicts, climate shocks, the fallout from the pandemic, and skyrocketing food and fuel costs caused by the war in Ukraine, compounded by cuts in humanitarian assistance, are making the day-to-day lives of people forced to flee harder, and at times unbearable.

  • UNHCR Central Europe account thumbnail

    UNHCR Central Europe

    @RefugeesCE - 04/11/2022

    Having a nationality is a fundamental human right. All stateless people deserve the chance to say #IBelong. #EndStatelessness

  • UNHCR Central Europe account thumbnail

    UNHCR Central Europe

    @RefugeesCE - 03/11/2022

    🇺🇦Потрібна інформація про послуги та допомогу? Хочете зареєструвати скаргу або залишити відгук? Агенство ООН у справах біженців Гаряча лінія допомоги біженцям 📲Безкоштовно: 0680984583

  • UNHCR Central Europe account thumbnail

    UNHCR Central Europe

    @RefugeesCE - 03/11/2022

    🇸🇰"Hľadanie útočiska v speve za mier" Albina je jednou z 30 000 ukrajinských utečencov, ktorým organizácia #UNHCR na Slovensku pomohla prostredníctvom núdzovej peňažnej pomoci. 👇

  • UNHCR Central Europe account thumbnail

    UNHCR Central Europe

    @RefugeesCE - 03/11/2022

    "Finding Refuge in Singing for Peace" Albina is one of 30,000 Ukrainian refugees supported by #UNHCR with emergency cash assistance in Slovakia 🇸🇰.

  • UNHCR Central Europe account thumbnail

    UNHCR Central Europe

    @RefugeesCE - 03/11/2022

    Bangladesh. Chad. Colombia. DR Congo. Ethiopia. Iraq. Jordan. Lebanon. South Sudan. Sudan. Uganda. Yemen. Displaced people living in these countries are locked in a cycle of political neglect, limited media coverage, donor fatigue, and ever-deepening humanitarian needs.

  • UNHCR Central Europe account thumbnail

    UNHCR Central Europe

    @RefugeesCE - 02/11/2022

    Нужна информация об услугах и помощи? Хотите зарегистрировать жалобу или оставить отзыв? Агентство ООН по делам беженцев Горячая линия для беженцев 📲Бесплатно: 0680984583

  • UNHCR Central Europe account thumbnail

    UNHCR Central Europe

    @RefugeesCE - 02/11/2022

    🇨🇿Učení se je obtížnější v přeplněných třídách, ale pro mnoho uprchlíků se jedná o jediné dostupné třídy. Studenti-uprchlíci musí mít přístup ke kvalitnímu vzdělávání. #RightToLearn

  • UNHCR Central Europe account thumbnail

    UNHCR Central Europe

    @RefugeesCE - 02/11/2022

    Learning is more difficult in overcrowded classrooms, yet for many refugees, these are the only classrooms available. Refugee students must have access to quality education. #RightToLearn