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  • Giovanni Bassu account thumbnail

    Giovanni Bassu

    @gbassu - 08/03/2019

    Fanny fled #ElSalvador after her life was threatened. Now she is finishing her studies in #Guatemala without fear & stronger than ever. On #WomensDay join us at @refugees to celebrate the courage of refugee women like her, who rebuild their lives in exile. ? @dianidiazr

  • Giovanni Bassu account thumbnail

    Giovanni Bassu

    @gbassu - 08/03/2019

    Ciria dejó su vida en #Honduras para salvar a sus hijos y esposo. Hoy saca adelante su familia cultivando cosechas en #Panama. Mañana #DiaDeLaMujer celebramos la fortaleza y determinación de miles de mujeres forzadas a huir a causa de la violencia y persecución

  • Giovanni Bassu account thumbnail

    Giovanni Bassu

    @gbassu - 07/03/2019

    Strong for her family, for herself. A fighter to rebuild her life in #Guatemala. Like her +40,000 people have left #Nicaragua in search of safety. @ACNURamericas (@Refugees) in the region works to provide comprehensive solutions to their plight #RefugeeCompact ? @dianidiazr

  • Giovanni Bassu account thumbnail

    Giovanni Bassu

    @gbassu - 05/03/2019

    To address forced displacement, solidarity + shared-responsibility is necessary. Countries in #CentralAmerica contribute to #RefugeeCompact. Today #MIRPS countries presided by #Mexico met to discuss strategies to promote cooperation and solutions. ? @delisabet21

  • Giovanni Bassu account thumbnail

    Giovanni Bassu

    @gbassu - 02/03/2019

    Trends of forced displacement in the region are shifting. Children + single men still flee, but entire families are now fleeing together from the north of #CentralAmerica, in search of safety. @ACNURamericas spoke to a few in #Guatemala to understand their reality ?@dianidiazr

  • Giovanni Bassu account thumbnail

    Giovanni Bassu

    @gbassu - 01/03/2019

    Fronteras seguras y acceso a sistema de asilo para personas con necesidad de protección int. son prioridades para la región. @acnuramericas + @sg_sica trabajan con gob y socios en Ocotepeque ?? por la protección de desplazados por la violencia #MIRPS #PactoMundialRefugiados

  • Giovanni Bassu account thumbnail

    Giovanni Bassu

    @gbassu - 01/03/2019

    "Photography helps me understand + tell my story," Andrea from #ElSalvador fled her home & now in Guatemala dreams of becoming a doctor. Thousands of children in the region have fled violence. These young girls channel their voices to ask for a brighter future ?@dianidiazr

  • Giovanni Bassu account thumbnail

    Giovanni Bassu

    @gbassu - 28/02/2019

    En un mundo de creciente xenofobia, el conflicto y persecución obligan a familias a huir de sus hogares. #Enlaces, un grupo de chicos refugiados y panameños, participarán en @FAEPanama en donde mostrarán que juntos pueden construir lazos de solidaridad. #PactoMundialRefugiados

  • Giovanni Bassu account thumbnail

    Giovanni Bassu

    @gbassu - 27/02/2019

    Violencia de pandillas + persecución han forzado a personas a huir de El Salvador, Guatemala y Honduras. Gracias al #MIRPS los países de la región están mejor preparados para responder a sus necesidades. Conoce más #ConLosRefugiados #PactoMundialRefugiados

  • Giovanni Bassu account thumbnail

    Giovanni Bassu

    @gbassu - 25/02/2019

    Communities in ?? say “they believe we are all criminals” during @eu_echo visit. These prejudices cause displacement and hinder the integration of displaced persons. Thanks to ECHO’s support, we strengthen the resilience of these communities #MIRPS community centers.