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  • Giovanni Bassu account thumbnail

    Giovanni Bassu

    @gbassu - 07/05/2019

    349,000 people. 349,000 lives uprooted. 349,000 stories to tell. 349,000 dreams to pursue. 349,000 journeys made. 349,000 unimaginable tragedies. 349,000 displaced from the North of #CentralAmerica to the end of 2018. #WithRefugees ? UNHCR/@dianidiazr

  • Giovanni Bassu account thumbnail

    Giovanni Bassu

    @gbassu - 06/05/2019

    @CFR_org For those still wondering about the root causes of displacement from Central America.

  • Giovanni Bassu account thumbnail

    Giovanni Bassu

    @gbassu - 05/05/2019

    Violence + persecution have a disproportionate impact on the lives of children. It can break their lives. The only option often is to flee. Many children flee unaccompanied to find a safe haven in neighboring countries, where they dream of brighter futures ? @dianidiazr

  • Giovanni Bassu account thumbnail

    Giovanni Bassu

    @gbassu - 04/05/2019

    Art is a universal language Art helps prevent violence Thanks to the support from donors like @AECID_es, young brave Hondurans in San Pedro Sula ?? build safe environments for themselves + their communities Check out AECID’s visit to the youth centre Sinaí 1 #RefugeeCompact

  • Giovanni Bassu account thumbnail

    Giovanni Bassu

    @gbassu - 03/05/2019

    BMX Pintura Break dance Arte En Honduras, los jóvenes son los más afectados por la violencia y el desplazamiento forzado Con el arte, retoman sus espacios para ponerle fin a ciclos de violencia Mira cómo le hacen en #VidasDesplazadas

  • Giovanni Bassu account thumbnail

    Giovanni Bassu

    @gbassu - 02/05/2019

    Regardless of where we come from Regardless of the colour of our skin Regardless of who we love Or how old we are Or whether we’re men or women We all have the right to seek asylum when we flee to save our lives #HumanRights

  • Giovanni Bassu account thumbnail

    Giovanni Bassu

    @gbassu - 02/05/2019

    "Violence forced me to leave El Salvador + my business behind. I dream of having a formal job to see my children succeed" When refugees like Alexander earn a living, they can care for their families He rebuilds his life in Panama tks to @TsFronterasPAN Happy #LabourDay

  • Giovanni Bassu account thumbnail

    Giovanni Bassu

    @gbassu - 01/05/2019

    Memories of despair, displacement, of having no other choice but to leave everything behind, hoping to find safety #RefugiArte reaches Peten ?? Latin American artists committed to raising awareness on the plight of refugees

  • Giovanni Bassu account thumbnail

    Giovanni Bassu

    @gbassu - 29/04/2019

    These kids dance life, they dance their dreams, they dance to show the world how inclusion is at the core of their souls Panamanians + refugees dance together to the rhythm of solidarity, in @ProgramaEnlaces #InternationalDanceDay

  • Giovanni Bassu account thumbnail

    Giovanni Bassu

    @gbassu - 27/04/2019

    Ante la ley internacional: Todos tenemos derecho a vivir en un lugar seguro Todos tenemos derecho a buscar asilo cuando huimos para salvar nuestras vidas Todos tenemos derecho a rehacer nuestro futuro Ante la ley internacional, todos tenemos derechos #SomosLoMismo