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  • Dominik Bartsch account thumbnail

    Dominik Bartsch

    @dominik_bartsch - 19/10/2022

    It has been a privilege to work closely with Brigadier General Tariq Azar, Director of the Syrian Refugee Affairs Directorate at PSD, over the past two years. We @UNHCRJordan greatly appreciate his support to refugees Thank you Basha

  • Dominik Bartsch account thumbnail

    Dominik Bartsch

    @dominik_bartsch - 18/10/2022

    So I met his mother. She looked to be well into her 90’s. And this is how she greeted her son: ‘Ahmed, did you fall off your bike again?’ #MothersLookOutForYou #RespectYourElders

  • Dominik Bartsch account thumbnail

    Dominik Bartsch

    @dominik_bartsch - 18/10/2022

    I saw Ahmed a few weeks back, slowly pushing his bicycle through the camp. So we chatted a bit: ‘You have family?’ ‘No, I never married. I live with my mother’. ‘What?’ ‘Sure, come to my home you can meet her.’ 1/2

  • Dominik Bartsch account thumbnail

    Dominik Bartsch

    @dominik_bartsch - 17/10/2022

    A pleasure to join the global meet of 🇺🇳 Peace and Development Advisors with ⁦@asakookai⁩ and Miroslav Jenca ⁦⁦@UNDPPA⁩ Known for their skills in analysis and foresight, PDAs are the connective tissue between #peace and #development. #SustainingPeaceAgenda

  • Dominik Bartsch account thumbnail

    Dominik Bartsch

    @dominik_bartsch - 16/10/2022

    RT @UnitedNationsJO: “#FoodSecurity & healthy nutrition have been at the forefront of @UN’s support to 🇯🇴. The UN🇯🇴 is committed to work w/…

  • Dominik Bartsch account thumbnail

    Dominik Bartsch

    @dominik_bartsch - 16/10/2022

    RT @UNEP_WestAsia: اجتمع ممثل برنامج الأمم المتحدة للبيئة المدير الإقليمي لغرب آسيا @samidimassi_UN اليوم بالمنسّق الأممي المقيم بالإنابة ف…

  • Dominik Bartsch account thumbnail

    Dominik Bartsch

    @dominik_bartsch - 10/10/2022

    RT @UnitedNationsJO: "هذا التقرير يعد خارطة الطريق التي توحد الجهود المشتركة لتحقيق التنمية المستدامة في مدينة عمان "مدينة النور" التي احتض…

  • Dominik Bartsch account thumbnail

    Dominik Bartsch

    @dominik_bartsch - 08/10/2022

    RT @UnitedNationsJO: تهانينا الحارة لكم ولمن تحبون بمناسبة المولد النبوي الشريف وكل عام وأنتم بخير. Warm wishes from the the UN family in…

  • Dominik Bartsch account thumbnail

    Dominik Bartsch

    @dominik_bartsch - 05/10/2022

    The management team ⁦@UNHCRJordan⁩ remains mobile: this time, we held our meeting in #Azraq camp and stopped over at the solar plant. What you may not have known: the facility is actually operated by a refugee, contracted by ⁦@UNVolunteers⁩ #RefugeeProfessionals

  • Dominik Bartsch account thumbnail

    Dominik Bartsch

    @dominik_bartsch - 04/10/2022

    So very pleased to learn that Angela Merkel has been awarded the Nansen medal. #TrueLeadership #Principles #Courage