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  • vincent cochetel account thumbnail

    vincent cochetel

    @cochetel - 08/11/2022

    Thank you to #italy & to all for saving lives & advocacy efforts, now let us see whether solidarity by other states will materialize + how this unpredictable system of coordination of rescue, disembarkation & post-disembarkation solutions (including return for some) will be fixed

  • vincent cochetel account thumbnail

    vincent cochetel

    @cochetel - 08/11/2022

    UNHCR supports responsibility-sharing in dealing with disembarkation & post disembarkation procedures for people rescued by SAR NGOs (i.e. 15% of the rescues), but all states should cooperate to have a robust rescue at sea capacity on both sides of the Med with no return to Libya

  • vincent cochetel account thumbnail

    vincent cochetel

    @cochetel - 07/11/2022

    UNHCR and IOM appeal for urgent disembarkation of all stranded refugees and migrants in central Mediterranean: via @refugees

  • vincent cochetel account thumbnail

    vincent cochetel

    @cochetel - 07/11/2022

    Italy: Around 2,000 migrants from Tunisia arrived in October, FTDES via @InfoMigrants Not just MIGRANTs, but REFUGEES and ASYLUM SEEKERS too. While everyone is focusing on movements from Libya, Italy cannot be left alone handing these large movements

  • vincent cochetel account thumbnail

    vincent cochetel

    @cochetel - 04/11/2022

    Route des Canaries : 32 corps échouent à Dakhla, au sud du Maroc via @InfoMigrants_fr nouveau drame alors qu’aucune organisation internationale humanitaire ne travaille à Dakhla pour aider migrants et réfugiés et éviter ces tragédies

  • vincent cochetel account thumbnail

    vincent cochetel

    @cochetel - 04/11/2022

    Entre déclaration de Marrakech 2018 et future déclaration de Cadiz Décembre 2022, la situation n’a fait que de se détériorer dans la sous-region. Il ne s’agit pas de migration économique principalement mais d’insécurité et violations des droits humains. @Rabat_Process

  • vincent cochetel account thumbnail

    vincent cochetel

    @cochetel - 04/11/2022

    Migrants et REFUGIES! Les appeler tous migrants ne sert ni les migrants, ni les réfugiés et conduit à de mauvaises réponses. La #Mauritanie est le seul pays sur la façade atlantique africaine où le HCR a accès aux personnes sauvées ou interceptées en mer.

  • vincent cochetel account thumbnail

    vincent cochetel

    @cochetel - 04/11/2022

    Going to Libya = serious protection risks. Humanitarian organizations cannot protect migrants and refugees in Libya. Services are very limited and not available to all. Alternatives to dangerous journeys to #Libya need to be strengthened in all neighboring countries.

  • vincent cochetel account thumbnail

    vincent cochetel

    @cochetel - 04/11/2022

    Migrants & refugees …all transferred for arbitrary detention with no legal remedy. Do not go to Libya, it is very dangerous. Alternatives exist in neighboring countries even if they are imperfect & insufficient @tellingthereal

  • vincent cochetel account thumbnail

    vincent cochetel

    @cochetel - 04/11/2022

    RT @antonioguterres: We all recognize that conflict prevention and peacebuilding are cost-effective and save lives - but the international…