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  • UNHCR România account thumbnail

    UNHCR România

    @UNHCRRomania - 11/07/2023

    ?Myth busting: refugee facts vs refugee fiction Check out 9⃣ must-know #RefugeeFacts? ”Born in Ukraine. Finding hope in Romania”

  • UNHCR România account thumbnail

    UNHCR România

    @UNHCRRomania - 10/07/2023

    "I would like to thank my Romanian language teacher for helping me discover the language and culture of this country." - Danya, refugee from Ukraine. ? ”Born in Ukraine. Finding hope in Romania”

  • UNHCR România account thumbnail

    UNHCR România

    @UNHCRRomania - 06/07/2023

    “I'm a talker. I like to talk and talk, all the time. I like to smile, to make jokes, so it wasn't a problem for me to make new friends.” - Katerina, refugee from Ukraine Curious about her story? Read more? "Born in Ukraine. Finding hope in Romania"

  • UNHCR România account thumbnail

    UNHCR România

    @UNHCRRomania - 05/07/2023

    Have you spotted this? ? Join us to amplify the voices of @refugees! Thank you, Romania, for your generosity & solidarity. #WithRefugees ? “Born in Ukraine. Finding hope in Romania” ▶️

  • UNHCR România account thumbnail

    UNHCR România

    @UNHCRRomania - 05/07/2023

    RT @pablo_zapata_p: In ?? #IndependenceDay, the UNHCR ?? team thanks the US government and the American people for standing #WithRefugees…

  • UNHCR România account thumbnail

    UNHCR România

    @UNHCRRomania - 04/07/2023

    ?Lansăm în România ?? o nouă campanie de comunicare pentru susținerea incluziunii refugiaților din Ucraina ?? în comunitate. „Născut în Ucraina. Regăsind speranța în România.” Comunicatul de presă, disponibil aici:

  • UNHCR România account thumbnail

    UNHCR România

    @UNHCRRomania - 04/07/2023

    Happy Independence Day to our ?? partners! The generous contribution offered by the American people continues to be essential in supporting the humanitarian response.

  • UNHCR România account thumbnail

    UNHCR România

    @UNHCRRomania - 03/07/2023

    RT @pablo_zapata_p: Today, in UNHCR ?? we have launched a public campaign “Born in Ukraine. Finding hope in Romania” to highlight the journ…

  • UNHCR România account thumbnail

    UNHCR România

    @UNHCRRomania - 03/07/2023

    Every day, refugees who fled the war in Ukraine ?? are going to work, supporting the Romanian ?? economy, learning the language and enjoying the culture. Find out more about refugees in Romania. Born in Ukraine. Finding hope in Romania.

  • UNHCR România account thumbnail

    UNHCR România

    @UNHCRRomania - 27/06/2023

    2,6 milioane de speranțe pentru găsirea unui loc sigur. ? Pentru mai multe statistici în legătură cu situația refugiaților din întreaga lume?