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  • UNHCR Polska account thumbnail

    UNHCR Polska

    @UNHCRPoland - 17/10/2022

    @UNrefugees CEO Trudi Mitchell and UNHCR Representative in Poland Kevin Allen had the pleasure of meeting with @AusAmbPoland Lloyd Brodrick at the Australian Embassy in Warsaw.

  • UNHCR Polska account thumbnail

    UNHCR Polska

    @UNHCRPoland - 14/10/2022

    To prevent sexual exploitation & abuse, UNHCR together with @WHOPoland & @IOMPoland are training their partners. This week, we met in Rzeszów & Przemyśl. Every humanitarian worker must understand their role and responsibilities on PSEA. Together we say NO to sexual misconduct.

  • UNHCR Polska account thumbnail

    UNHCR Polska

    @UNHCRPoland - 13/10/2022

    Svitlana i Dmytro są częścią naszego zespołu i zajmują się wspieraniem uchodźców w Krakowie i okolicach. "Najczęściej o pomoc proszą osoby 70+. Chcą wiedzieć jak otrzymać wsparcie albo umówić wizytę lekarską", mówi Svitlana.

  • UNHCR Polska account thumbnail

    UNHCR Polska

    @UNHCRPoland - 11/10/2022

    Bez wytchnienia pomaga uchodźcom z 🇺🇦 dojść do siebie po ucieczce z kraju. Ktokolwiek przyjdzie do punktu Blue Dot w Warszawie prowadzonego przez UNHCR i @UNICEF, zawsze może liczyć na jej wsparcie. Poznajcie Innę. Jest psycholożką. I uchodźczynią.

  • UNHCR Polska account thumbnail

    UNHCR Polska

    @UNHCRPoland - 10/10/2022

    She tirelessly helps refugees from 🇺🇦 recover from their terrible memories. Whoever visits the Blue Dot hub run jointly by UNHCR and @UNICEF can benefit from her experience and knowledge. Meet Inna, a professional psychologist. And a refugee, too.

  • UNHCR Polska account thumbnail

    UNHCR Polska

    @UNHCRPoland - 10/10/2022

    On World Mental Health Day, European Alliance Against Depression, @WHOPoland & @EUinPL organized a conference in Warsaw with the participation of UNHCR and other actors, to discuss mental recovery in local communities and how to prevent and better respond to depression.

  • UNHCR Polska account thumbnail

    UNHCR Polska

    @UNHCRPoland - 10/10/2022

    The training, delivered on 6 and 7 Oct., was attended by more than 30 participants from different NGOs, and addressed subjects such as prevention, reporting, & response related to #PSEA. Trainings are ongoing in other cities in Poland. “Together we say no to sexual misconduct”

  • UNHCR Polska account thumbnail

    UNHCR Polska

    @UNHCRPoland - 10/10/2022

    NGO’s working on the refugee response with @UNHCRPoland and @WHOPoland benefitted from an all-day awareness-raising trainings on Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA), delivered by @IOMPoland in Warsaw, as a result of a coordinated effort under the #PSEANetwork

  • UNHCR Polska account thumbnail

    UNHCR Polska

    @UNHCRPoland - 06/10/2022

    “Dziękuję wam i innym rządom, które wsparły uchodźców z 🇺🇦! Jest nas dużo, większość to kobiety i dzieci.” Uchodźczynie z 🇺🇦 opowiedziały @UnderSecStateJ o tym jak pomogło im wsparcie ze strony 🇵🇱 społeczeństwa, 🇵🇱 Rządu i społeczności międzynarodowej.

  • UNHCR Polska account thumbnail

    UNHCR Polska

    @UNHCRPoland - 06/10/2022

    “Thank you and all the other Governments who have supported 🇺🇦 refugees! There are so many of us, mostly women and children.” Refugee women from 🇺🇦 told @UnderSecStateJ about how the mobilization of 🇵🇱 society, the 🇵🇱 Government and also international support has helped them.