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  • UNHCR Lebanon account thumbnail

    UNHCR Lebanon

    @UNHCRLebanon - 06/10/2022

    🚨 60% of funding needed to support refugees & host communities in Lebanon has not been met. The consequences of not receiving funding are critical for the most vulnerable.

  • UNHCR Lebanon account thumbnail

    UNHCR Lebanon

    @UNHCRLebanon - 06/10/2022

    Tak Danmark for your additional vital support to respond to the critical needs of the most vulnerable in Lebanon, especially during the upcoming cold winter months. #DKAID

  • UNHCR Lebanon account thumbnail

    UNHCR Lebanon

    @UNHCRLebanon - 05/10/2022

    Children with specific needs are among those at highest risk of not accessing education opportunities. To help them, in the Bekaa, UNHCR & partners @rescue_mena @nabad4dev have supported 900 Syrian & Lebanese children with: 🔷visual aids 🔷hearing aids 🔷mobility devices

  • UNHCR Lebanon account thumbnail

    UNHCR Lebanon

    @UNHCRLebanon - 05/10/2022

    إنّ إعادة التوطين حلٌّ محدود. لكنه حلاًّ رئيسيّاً للعديد من اللاجئين الذين لا يستطيعون العودة إلى ديارهم ولديهم احتياجات خاصة لا يمكن تلبيتها في بلد اللجوء. إعادة التوطين أساسي لمساعدة الأكثر ضعفاً في لبنان.

  • UNHCR Lebanon account thumbnail

    UNHCR Lebanon

    @UNHCRLebanon - 04/10/2022

    RT @UNHCR_Arabic: المستشارة السابقة لألمانيا الاتحادية الدكتورة أنغيلا ميركل تحصل على #جائزة_نانسن_للاجئ لعام 2022، تقديراً لقيادتها وشجاع…

  • UNHCR Lebanon account thumbnail

    UNHCR Lebanon

    @UNHCRLebanon - 04/10/2022

    RT @Refugees: NEWS: Former Federal Chancellor of Germany Dr. Angela Merkel is receiving the global #NansenAward for her leadership, courage…

  • UNHCR Lebanon account thumbnail

    UNHCR Lebanon

    @UNHCRLebanon - 03/10/2022

    Wir wünschen einen schönen #TagderDeutschenEinheit ! Thank you, Germany, for being one of UNHCR’s top flexible donors. Your support makes a real difference in the lives of those most vulnerable in 🇱🇧 #GermanUnityDay 🇩🇪

  • UNHCR Lebanon account thumbnail

    UNHCR Lebanon

    @UNHCRLebanon - 23/09/2022

    RT @Refugees: The shipwreck off the coast of Syria late Thursday is simply tragic. The boat carried 120-170 migrants and refugees, mostly S…

  • UNHCR Lebanon account thumbnail

    UNHCR Lebanon

    @UNHCRLebanon - 22/09/2022

    Because of the deep economic crisis in Lebanon, many have lost their jobs. In the south, UNHCR in partnership with @SheildAssoc & @mosalebofficial provide trainings for Lebanese to learn how to repair mobile phones & other devices. This helps them acquire new skills.

  • UNHCR Lebanon account thumbnail

    UNHCR Lebanon

    @UNHCRLebanon - 21/09/2022

    لبنان يواجه أسوأ أزمة اقتصادية منذ عقود. ما معنى ذلك؟ نقف مع لبنان